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bike engine cradle
Paul (Notts) - 12/4/12 at 09:33 AM

Just starting work on the Terrapin Hill climb car. A bit cheeky but I am after pictures of any motorbike engine cradles that people have used. I have a ZX12r and already have a few ideas.

So if any one has pictures of their engine cradle I would be most grateful.


scootz - 12/4/12 at 09:42 AM

This is the engine cradle for my trike (on the back of a single-seater tub)...

Steve Hignett - 12/4/12 at 10:10 AM

Some Pics in here, but I assume that you need a Mid?Rear Engined car for an accurate photo to help you?

maccmike - 12/4/12 at 10:56 AM

scootz, thats stunning

MK9R - 12/4/12 at 11:36 AM

Have a look at my blog on the engine upgrade section.

renetom - 12/4/12 at 04:45 PM

I have one for sale on ebay for Yamaha R1 out of an Indy but should fit any 7 type kit car.

Paul (Notts) - 12/4/12 at 05:00 PM

Thanks for the replies…

Got some good ideas. Now need to get on with it.

First task is to order lots of steel tube.

And make a large flat table to build on.
