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virgin master socket
hootsno1 - 18/2/11 at 03:41 PM

Hi All
Just come home to find my puppy Bull dog has eaten the master phone socket and most of the wire but she has left me about 3" to try to connect new wires to, i have a new master socket conected the blue and white to B, and the white and blue wire to A but this is not working? should there be more wires?

designer - 18/2/11 at 04:00 PM

I am sure there are only two wires needed.

stevebubs - 18/2/11 at 04:05 PM

Blue with white should be A from memory...

stevebubs - 18/2/11 at 04:06 PM

PS I can confirm only one pair of wires will be used...

hootsno1 - 18/2/11 at 04:13 PM

I have had no luck with this so i will contact virgin and get someone out asap
Thanks all have fun weekend

stevebubs - 18/2/11 at 04:25 PM

They could have been awkward sods and used a different coloured pair of wires....have you tried the others?

paulbeyer - 18/2/11 at 04:58 PM

A quick google came up with th following info..

White with blue bands goes to 5
Blue with white bands goes to 2
white/green and white/orange are not connected.


Blue to 2 (or B if it's a master socket)
Blue and White to 5 (or A)
Orange to 3 (if it's an extension)

You will also need a punch down tool called a Krone tool. These are expensive but B&Q and Maplins do a plastic one for couple of quid or use a small jewellers screwdriver to push the wires into the terminals (make sure the terminals cut through the insulation so that contact is made with the copper.

If you call out Virgin media to rectify it I reckon they will hit you with a call out charge as the "fault" is not theirs.

Good luck.

(Forgot to mention, I am also with VM and the above wiring info is what I have in my master box).

[Edited on 18/2/2011 by paulbeyer]

macc man - 18/2/11 at 05:06 PM

Check to see if wires are short circuit. Ifyou ring your number it should ring out when wires are disconnected from socket.
If it is short cct it will give engaged tone. If it rings out, trip ring by touching the blue wires together. If still ringing try the other colours. Process of elimination realy. If I was closer I could fix it for you. (Ex BT Engineer.)

zetec - 18/2/11 at 05:13 PM

If you can see where the wire connects up outside you might be able to trace from there, as said do the shorting thing to prove you are on the right pair of wires. Check before calling out as you might end up with a bill for the repair...

hootsno1 - 18/2/11 at 05:33 PM

I have open the out side box and its only the blue white and white and blue used ran new wires from there still no joy mendit man is coming monday to have a look virgin think its a problem to the house?
i will just let them get on with it for now.
Thanks for all your help chaps

jacko - 18/2/11 at 06:13 PM

In Kingston upon Hull we have Kingston communications and if you have a fault in the house they charge you £120 if its out side there line its free

Wish we could have BT