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where to get Animal brand clothing online??
NS Dev - 7/12/06 at 07:42 PM

I'm looking for an Animal "Mode" top for my girlfriend but can't find one online anywhere!!!!!

Nobody has one locally, and I've tried all the usual online places....

need some cunning new ones or somebody better at searching than me!!!

keets - 7/12/06 at 07:50 PM

try here if it works

[Edited on 7/12/06 by keets]

[Edited on 7/12/06 by keets]

Pdlewis - 7/12/06 at 07:50 PM

Have you tried shops like:

ellis brigham
snow & rock

spunky - 7/12/06 at 07:51 PM

Good ol' ebay...

search animal in womens clothes.

You can narrow it down to 'tops' or 'sportswear'

I've started using ebay for clothes now as there are so many traders selling on it. Pretty good for labeled stuff.

NS Dev - 7/12/06 at 08:01 PM

Doh, tried all of em.....................

scottc - 7/12/06 at 08:01 PM

There a list of online dealers on the animal website. might be a good start

you've probably already been there though.

NS Dev - 7/12/06 at 08:31 PM

had been on there, but missed the online retailers bit!

Had a look, not one of them got the top I wanted to get for her, but one of them had adifferent one that was pretty cool. - just in case anybody else is doing the same!!

Aboardman - 7/12/06 at 11:34 PM

one of the shops is just over a 1 mile down my road, can call in over weekend and ask them if you want,