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Good old Daily Express
Daddylonglegs - 8/7/14 at 08:50 PM

I'm glad it's not me who is sick of the DE constantly pumping out garbage weather forecasts:


One of the many reasons I don't get newspapers, and yes, I know the link is to another newpaper site, and I can't say what they are like (my Mother-in-law only gets the Express) but at least they seem to be in agreement with my sentiment

theconrodkid - 8/7/14 at 09:01 PM

reading the guardian and especially anything from the pen of mono block is dangerous to your health.

Daddylonglegs - 9/7/14 at 07:58 AM

I don't read any of them chap, just found it whilst looking for a site to tell the Express to wind their neck in and stop sensationalising the damn weather. All it does is panic people into thinking the end-of-the-world is nigh!