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Whats your biggest injury during costruction???
eddie - 16/8/03 at 12:08 AM

Spent an intresting morning salvaging a type 9 box from a sierra. Everything was going like a dream (apparts from not owning any torx bits yet, so i had to leave the gear stick on the box) then it happened...

The bugger shifted trapping my little finger on the knuckle, after a string of expletives, i freed myself, cursed some more, then had a smoke.

The only upside is i've got a complete IRS, front uprights disks and calipers, diff and box now all for free. The idea being when i get my donor i can roll it arround untill i am ready to cut it up and send it to the bid scrap heap in the sky...

So apart from the usual spanner rash (unless you achieved it in some spectacular fashion) whats your best injury stories....

Spottty - 16/8/03 at 12:22 AM

Well I havent started yet but...

My biggest injury was when I told my wife I wanted another car, my ear drums are still ringing! :p

Metal Hippy - 16/8/03 at 12:28 AM

Back in the mists of time when we were using a Capri as a donor (many many moons ago) I got pissed off about something and gave the driver door a good kick.

Steel toecaps are excellent items, except for the major vibration that shuddered through my leg and hip.....

Was aching for a good few hours.

Apart from that just the usual scraped knuckles, bumps and bruises...

Jon Ison - 16/8/03 at 03:16 AM

wallet, that took a battering.....

Ian Pearson - 16/8/03 at 08:05 AM

Dropped the chassis on my toe. It still complains six months after the event! Alkso managed to take a fair portion of flesh off my thumg with the wire brush on my angle grinder.

stephen_gusterson - 16/8/03 at 06:57 PM

about 2 years ago i got a spark from an angle grinder thro one of the tiny vent holes in my goggles and it went in my eye. Nothing at first, but two days later it was very bad and I had to have bits of rusty steel dug out my eye with a spike in casualty. not as bad as it sounds, but to be avoided!



chrisg - 16/8/03 at 08:49 PM


Broken wrist when the gearbox fell on it changing the speedo drive.( not my w*nking hand, fortunately)

Loss of a large amount of thumb to the angle grinder after uttering the immortal words" Can't do anything with these bloody gloves on"

Setting fire to the door whilst grinding, yes the only means of escape - in flames.



Mark Allanson - 16/8/03 at 09:25 PM

Using to coarse a grade of hacksaw blade. it happened in late June, only just healed up now! Rescued attachment Sore Finger.jpg
Rescued attachment Sore Finger.jpg

Marcus - 18/8/03 at 08:44 PM

Spent a night in casualty with a three inch long, inch and a half deep gash in my leg caused by removing the guard from the angle grinder!!
4 stitches under the skin surface and 10 on top just to hold it all together!!
Injury is a year old this week and still itches like hell!


JoelP - 18/8/03 at 09:03 PM

I nearly got a good un today using the plasma cutter with nowt on my eyes, having never used one before there was shite going everywhere....

Foolish but i'd lent the full face mask to a pal...

chrisg - 18/8/03 at 09:11 PM

I'm still winning BTW



Metal Hippy - 18/8/03 at 09:12 PM

Ok Chris, we admit it.

You're more stupid than the rest of us....

chrisg - 18/8/03 at 09:31 PM

At last some recognition!



David Jenkins - 19/8/03 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
I nearly got a good un today using the plasma cutter with nowt on my eyes, having never used one before there was shite going everywhere....

I did something similar - helmet down, weld a bit. Raise helmet, put on goggles, grind a bit. Repeat sequence a dozen times. Finish with ...put on goggles, grind a bit, weld a bit... oh sh1t!

Three days' worth of arc eye... very unpleasant.

Oh yes - I've fallen foul of the angle-grinder's bite as well. One of those "it'll only take a second, so I won't bother with the gloves" jobs... you end up with a nasty combination of a graze and a burn that hurts like hell and doesn't heal too quickly.

[Edited on 20/8/03 by David Jenkins]

Spyderman - 20/8/03 at 02:01 PM

I've gone through to bone with the grinder on several ocasions. Always heals ok.
Most stupid was after doing some polishing.
I had some white nylon cloves on so as not to dirty the polished item. I then decided to remove an unwanted bracket from the chassis with the grinder.
The disc was wearing down and was not full size, so would not quite cut all the way through. As there was only a little bit of metal left I decided to twist it off. I grabbed it with my gloved hand and proceeded to twist it off. After a few seconds I heard sizzling and could smell something burning. It was then I realised it was my thumb burning.
The metal was red hot and had burned through my skin to the bone a whole quarter of the circumference of my thumb.
The glove had melted and had helped quarterize the wound.
As it didn't bleed I just washed it and put a finger bandage over it.
It ached for a while but I carried on with what I was doing.

Amazingly the scar tissue is near impossible to see.


jerome49 - 20/8/03 at 10:11 PM

it was a fine african day, there i was happily whistling ludwig vons glorius ninth, when halfway through the last of the donor chassis, i notice my hand was well stuck to the 2000 watter angle freind, and a pool off blood lies at my feet, looking up and saying , misssing me yet! gashed my wrist on the swarf, it was so sharp i didnt even feel it, six stitches and a very concerned doctor later, and the bugger kept bleeding for 4 days after every time i lowered my hand below my heart

David Jenkins - 24/8/03 at 08:38 PM

I was working in my garage today, unfolding my engine hoist (a nasty, unbalanced thing when folded, and very heavy). I had undone the fixing bolts ready to lower the second leg, when my neighbour said good morning from the doorway.

Not concentrating on what I was doing, I turned to say hello - and the leg dropped onto my foot. If the wheel on the leg had been 1/4" smaller diameter I would now have a couple of broken bones in my foot.

As it is, I only collected a magnificent bruise and and slightly broken skin - phew!


David (a.k.a. Sir Limpalong)

bob - 24/8/03 at 11:18 PM

Usual cuts from hacksaw blades and stanley knife,a few bruises here and there.

Nothing compared to Marcus and the near miss of his manhood with the grinder,that one has got to be the worst and close to being even worse

stephen_gusterson - 25/8/03 at 09:00 AM

I forgot the biggest injury.

My wallet



Metal Hippy - 25/8/03 at 09:20 AM

Come on Steve, Jon already cracked that one really early....

Spyderman - 25/8/03 at 10:40 AM

Yea, but Steve is so tight it hurts him twice as much!

Metal Hippy - 25/8/03 at 10:44 AM


stephen_gusterson - 25/8/03 at 11:31 AM

my son leads the way in the tight stakes!

My deviant car has cost me probably over 4k - I think I have a right to repeat bad jokes!



Spyderman - 25/8/03 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
My deviant car has cost me probably over 4k - I think I have a right to repeat bad jokes!



You're building a Morgan alike, we know that!

Sorry, couldn't resist that one!

[Edited on 25/8/03 by Spyderman]

Mark Allanson - 25/8/03 at 09:33 PM

What did you say Steve is building - I missed that!

stephen_gusterson - 25/8/03 at 09:58 PM

did I never mention it?

Perhaps I need to explain in detail...

Here goes.

Just kidding!




Mr Morgan has been making cars a lot longer than Mr Chapman did. These new kids on the block will never make it.

Spyderman - 25/8/03 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson

Mr Morgan has been making cars a lot longer than Mr Chapman did. These new kids on the block will never make it.

But Mr Chapman discovered new and different materials whereas Mr Morgan still uses wood!