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type 9 gear lever
blakep82 - 24/3/09 at 04:08 PM

i'm after a very short, straight gear lever for a type 9.


I want the gear knob to be where the purple circle is, and want to take out the bend next to the red arrow.

if i heat it to bend it, or if i cut it and weld some new tube on i'll damage the rubber bellows and springs with the heat.

and where the circle is, i think the shaft opens out to about 1" diameter and then a rubber bush, so i don't think my gear knob will fit over that bit anyway.

any ideas on taking it apart? how easy is it? how easy does it go back together?

anyone got one going spare already made how i want it??

i'm looking for something more like this

the threaded bit on the end would be a bonus

[Edited on 24/3/09 by blakep82]

edspurrier - 24/3/09 at 04:49 PM

rally design quick shifts are straight, so could be cut down.

blakep82 - 24/3/09 at 04:54 PM

ah cheers! last time i looked they were pretty expensive, but i seen this one

says its for Esc Mk 1/2 & Sierra 5-Speed
but is something missing? the lever looks about the length i want, but where's the forked end? and all the springs and stuff?

jollygreengiant - 24/3/09 at 05:19 PM

Cut the bell (where you have circled) and thew top bit falls off (with a bit of persuading).
This leaves the bush sitting pressed onto the lower bit that goes into the gearbox. Cut remove the rubber along the length to expose the sleeve and file or cut carefully along the length of the sleeve to release it off the gearstick.
This will leave a stub exposed which is the right diameter for cutting a thread down for you to screw the gear knob onto. Before you cut the threads remove the circlip and rubber covered spring and disassemble gear stick from mounting. Straighten gear stick as required, then reassemble and cut threads. Job done, takes about 30 minutes all told and is a LOT cheaper than buying one.

I left mine with a bend in it, but this is what it finished as

Hope this helps.

blakep82 - 24/3/09 at 05:26 PM

nice one! top man
will give it a shot tomorrow, and if it all goes wrong, i'll look at another, but if it can be done for free...

when you say 'cut the bell', do you mean round it? on down the length of it?

also, been out there this afternoon, undone the 3 bolts (theres no extention on mine) but the lever won't budge when i try to pull it out. don't know what i've done to it?

jollygreengiant - 24/3/09 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
nice one! top man
will give it a shot tomorrow, and if it all goes wrong, i'll look at another, but if it can be done for free...

when you say 'cut the bell', do you mean round it? on down the length of it?

From the bottom of the bell up to where it starts to curve, I used an angle grinder for this and cut on opposite sides, be aware this is liable to start the rubber in the insulator bush burning. this bush is just like a metalastic suspension bush, outer metal sleeve (this takes the upper gearstick which is pressed over then peened at the lower/open end of the bell. Hence it needs to be cut/ground off ), rubber isolator, then inner metal sleeve (which is a press fit on the lower gearstick.

also, been out there this afternoon, undone the 3 bolts (theres no extention on mine) but the lever won't budge when i try to pull it out. don't know what i've done to it?

Have you got the gear selector in neutral?, other than that it could just be that not having been out for a long while it could just be a bit reluctant.

[Edited on 24/3/09 by jollygreengiant]

blakep82 - 24/3/09 at 06:11 PM

tried in neutral, put it in a few gears and jiggled it about a bit. i only put it back in a few weeks ago. 4 or 5 weeks i think?, and the 3 bolts weren't tight or anything the only difference is i've put the prop shaft in, but that shouldn't make a difference

jollygreengiant - 24/3/09 at 08:14 PM

The other possibility is you managed to miss the selector pin with the fork and with the spring loading its catching on the reverse step on the fork?.

blakep82 - 25/3/09 at 01:58 AM

hmm, possibly. will have to batter it about a bit tomorrow. it seems to select all gears properly though. very strange. i did put some new grease in it, so don't know if theres some weird vacuum action going on in there?

blakep82 - 25/3/09 at 05:44 PM

done i tried to straighten it out in the vice, and battering it with a club hammer. made no odds, so i left it with the curve for now. its not bad when its shorter

thanks for your help