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Handbrake levers mounted on the side of the transmission tunnel - pics?
birdii - 17/6/11 at 12:01 PM

Does anybody have some photos of handbrake levers mounted on the side of the transmission tunnel please?

Been searching the forum all lunch break and still short of inspiration!

I have mounted mine on top in the center of the tunnel but I'm not keen, it's under my elbow when changing gear.

Thanks in advance!

mangogrooveworkshop - 17/6/11 at 02:11 PM

I sink them into the tops of the tunnels so when they are not in use it sits flat away from your elbow.
Some heavy chanell rubber on the top surface and it's good to go

HAL 1 - 17/6/11 at 03:54 PM

I know MGBs and Midgets use side mounted levers so googling images might show something for you.

Liam - 17/6/11 at 04:46 PM

I quite like where they go on a Dax Rush - sort of hidden out of the way under the steering column...

tul214 - 17/6/11 at 05:10 PM

Have a look at page 8 of this thread

[Edited on 17/6/11 by tul214]

JAG - 17/6/11 at 06:33 PM

How about this?

matt_gsxr - 17/6/11 at 06:43 PM

if you search (google images section) for "sylva handbrake" you get some hits.

The striker and phoenix did it this way, maybe J15 too. Very good for adjust-ability. But difficult to make it look neatly in my opinion.

On my Phoenix I put it into the tunnel, although its a real bitch to adjust once the prop is in.


(edited because for some reason I put that I had a Striker!)

[Edited on 17/6/11 by matt_gsxr]

birdii - 18/6/11 at 08:46 AM

Thanks, given me something to think about! I will have a good look around at Newark today too.


Surrey Dave - 6/7/11 at 01:21 PM

Handbrake mounted on the top is absolute pants ,will be in the way all the time and look sh1te!


[Edited on 6/7/11 by Surrey Dave]

RickRick - 6/7/11 at 02:11 PM

between the brains of locosters we must be able to design a electric handbrake that is cheap to make, and there's enough people on here with lathes and mill/water jets, there could even be a kit forsale in the shop!!!
i'm going to put one on my car, it's just a case of when, something along the lines of a scissor link with the cables at one end and a screw thread at the other, motor to drive thread. having it electric seems like the best way to stop naughty people taking off the hb and pushing your car into a different carpark at work or onto a trailer!!

Marcus - 7/7/11 at 07:18 PM

I'll try to find a better pic, but here's mine:

[img] Dash 06
Dash 06

Uses an MR2 lever and first cable.