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Can you use a camping stove in the garages at Brands?
MK9R - 16/6/09 at 09:03 AM

RGB have the garages at Brands this weekend, so you can guarantee the weather will be lovely

I'll be camping ontop of my trailer as usual, but just wondered if you can use camping stoves inside the garages, so if it does rain or its a bit blowy i can still make my breakfast and a brew without having to set up my gazebo??

frodo_monkey - 16/6/09 at 09:24 AM

I certainly have before... If in doubt, fire it up until you are told to turn it off

ernie - 16/6/09 at 04:57 PM

I should think so, we did but be aware of the obvious safety issues like keeping it well away from your and others fuel cans