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Race Transponder
Rob55 - 21/2/15 at 08:45 AM

I see AMB have discontinued the 260 DP transponders and have released a new "X2" model which requires you to have an on going annual paid subscription to the MyLaps service. Am I right in saying, that the older models had a lifetime subscription included? I see some websites still selling off old stock so the 260dp can be got for now.

[Edited on 21/2/15 by Rob55]

yngndrw - 26/2/15 at 12:54 AM

I contacted MyLaps regarding the old and new transponders:


The old AMB transponders are compatible with the new X2 timing systems and loops. The new X2 transponders are also compatible for the old MYLAPS/AMB Tranx decoders and loops. This compatibility will not change.

The subscription is needed for the basic timing functionality of the transponder. Without subscription, the transponder will not work at all. This is the case for all subscription based transponders, and on all timing systems.

Hope this helps.

Benzo - 26/2/15 at 12:26 PM

Originally posted by yngndrw
I contacted MyLaps regarding the old and new transponders:

The old AMB transponders are compatible with the new X2 timing systems and loops. The new X2 transponders are also compatible for the old MYLAPS/AMB Tranx decoders and loops. This compatibility will not change.

The subscription is needed for the basic timing functionality of the transponder. Without subscription, the transponder will not work at all. This is the case for all subscription based transponders, and on all timing systems.

Hope this helps.

Did Mylaps get back to you? Then did not contact me back.

Have you an email or telephone number for them?

yngndrw - 26/2/15 at 12:32 PM

Yes, that quote is from their reply via email.

I used their support form to get in touch with them:

I put the question down as being for "Technical Support", Urgent: No and Important: Yes.

They even replied to my follow-up email within 45 minutes.