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Sunday Brekkie at Pinewood - no more.
pewe - 4/10/12 at 05:11 PM

Guys, looks as if Sunday brekkie at Pinewood won't be happening for much longer.
Beats me how Council Officials can dream up and then justify the figures - complete toss-pots!
Even worse they "aren't available for comment"!

And what about the proposed road closure somewhere in the New Forest?
The "trial" will cost the local tax-payers c.£50k.
Presumably it has nothing at all to do with the fact that said road is the one on which the Council Leader lives???

Don't get me started...
Cheers, Pewe10

theconrodkid - 4/10/12 at 05:55 PM

maybe we could all turn up one day before it closes ?

Xtreme Kermit - 4/10/12 at 06:00 PM

That really sucks! I would love to hear the justification behind that rent hike

MikeRJ - 4/10/12 at 06:04 PM

Another cowardly, bullying council, with some kind of hidden agenda. I hope they can keep pressure on these idiots via the media coverage.

[Edited on 4/10/12 by MikeRJ]

bob - 4/10/12 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid

maybe we could all turn up one day before it closes ?

Yeah ok John i'm up for that, even mrs bob said she will go.

Rek - 4/10/12 at 10:06 PM

I wonder if it's more houses... I work over the road in the old trl site and we have to be out by Christmas.. Originally the developer who wanted to build on the site had to build new premises for the dozen or so small firms but that plan went away. Suddenly the council decide that they cant justify the offices anymore and they are going to close them. At the same time there is a new planning application on the site..

When they made the announcement and held a meeting they gave so little notice that not many of us could make it to actually talk to them..

theconrodkid - 5/10/12 at 06:48 AM

see you all on sunday then

pewe - 5/10/12 at 09:06 AM

I'll try to be there but daughter's running the Royal Parks Half Marathon and expecting me to be there - maybe just a quick show in passing.
Cheers, Pewe10

bob - 5/10/12 at 11:10 PM

I'm pretty sure i cant do this sunday.

GeoffT - 6/10/12 at 08:32 AM

I'm looking ok for Sunday am, should be there around opening time.....

bob - 6/10/12 at 01:52 PM

I'm now trying to get all my odd jobs sorted out around the house so i may make sunday morning.

pewe - 22/12/12 at 12:15 PM

Went there last night for a Nutz meet.
Spoke to the owner who was up-beat about their future.
Evidently he had in writing the Council's next rent increase dating from when he took the place on.
It was a figure which he reckoned he could live with.
No surprise - the Council had no record of the agreement.
Subject to ratification by a Rent Tribunal he'll still be there for the foreseeable.

Any-one fancy a meet there over the Christmas/New Year break - Sunday 30th?
Cheers, Pewe10

Bob, OK and I've U2U'd Geoff, John and Steve. P

[Edited on 22/12/12 by pewe]

bob - 22/12/12 at 12:21 PM

I'm sure i can leave some room for a Lumberjack breakfast over the festivities

We just need to nail a date up, i should be OK for the 30th.

GeoffT - 22/12/12 at 02:51 PM

Yup count me in, will be glad of a trip out by then.

Remind me to have a mansize brecky this time, not the girly one I had last time. Sod the arteries.......

westf27 - 22/12/12 at 05:09 PM

Should be up for that need to replace some weight shed by the noro virus which was fun.

scutter - 25/12/12 at 08:52 PM

I've just cleared with OC house, I'll see you all there. Unfortunately I'll be in the barge(Audi) as the 7 is SORN'd.

Regards Dan.

bob - 26/12/12 at 01:30 PM

Cafe opens at 10.00hrs as normal Sunday.

Maybe this should be posted up as a meet.

pewe - 26/12/12 at 09:17 PM

Bob, good idea - just put one up under Brekkie Meet.
See you all there.
Cheers, Pewe10