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What else is wrong?
ChrisW - 11/12/02 at 08:57 PM

Right then - I've fixed the following:

- photo archive (inc uploading!)
- links page
- date format

+ some other stuff that I've forgotten.

What else is wrong with the site? (please don't suggest new features just tell me what doesn't work!) No promises I can fix it straight away (if at all) but I'll see what I can do.

(BTW I know the envelope thing doesn't work - the team who write XMB reckon it's not worth fixing... :mad

Cheers, Chris.

Liam - 11/12/02 at 09:25 PM

I know you know about it, but you dont mention it above...

The who's online thing doesn't work.


ChrisW - 11/12/02 at 11:31 PM

YEah.. know about that! No idea what it's up to tho....


bob - 15/12/02 at 10:00 AM

I type a post and send,tap tap tap make a cup of tea then web site not responding.

So i blank post and it works,and then i edit the blank to get my post on.
Whats that all about?

And slow too

[Edited on 15/12/02 by bob]

jollygreengiant - 15/12/02 at 11:00 AM

must be a northern glitch bob seems to be working ok down south here although a wee bit slooooow.

bob - 15/12/02 at 12:49 PM

the world must have turned upside down then cos last time i looked i was south of northamptonshire.

Anyway its working now,so must have been my end.

But as JJg said,slow.
Good job i like tea

David Jenkins - 15/12/02 at 08:08 PM

I don't think the poll display is working - either that or no-one has responded to your "new posts" poll!

Actually, I entered a response, so there should be at least one showing...


MustangSix - 20/12/02 at 01:40 AM

The feature that shows new posts is not working for me. It seems to change from login to login. Sometimes the new posts don't register as such. Often old posts are displayed as new, and so forth.

ChrisW - 21/12/02 at 12:33 PM

MustangSix, see this post:

(or just read below)

One other thing - it only works in the index page not in the forums themselves.

jollygreengiant - 21/12/02 at 07:24 PM


Sorry about moving you around the country like that, Ive been having a really bad week, must have been coming down with the dreaded lurgi for longer than I noticed.

And to any one else that I might have posted an unrequited reply to I am deeply sorry too.