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time to build chassis???
dashin_dave - 9/9/02 at 05:28 AM

i figured while i'm looking at pre built chassis/kits ect, it would be worthwhile to know how long it takes to scratchbuild one; which just might influence my decision.. (laziness:lack of money ratio is the key)
so yeh, how long did it take all you scratchbuilders to make just the chassis?

philgregson - 9/9/02 at 07:49 AM

From pile of steel to tacked together spaceframe took exactly two weeks of evenings and weekends. Finishing, fully welding, plating etc about another two weeks.

I'm afraid since then things have slowed down somewhat due to othyer commitments but, in the initial stages at least, it does progress at a satisfying rate.

scutter - 9/9/02 at 09:06 AM

two weeks is about right. Took two weeks for my first chassis then down to a week for the second.

Takes longer to get all the brackets in the right places.


Jasper - 9/9/02 at 06:19 PM

The chassis is really satisfying to build, came together in just a few weeks of about 12 hrs/week. Since then I've spent another few weeks setting up the suspension brackets and engine mounting for the ZX9R. Will have the whole thing painted with floors in a summer. And I couldn't weld b4 I started (and not much better now!)

But time isn't everything, I've really enjoyed it, and when I get asked 'What Kit' I can tell them I built it from scratch. And if I want to make any alterations I can cos I've got the kit to do it. I've adapted the chassis to bring the engine further back into the passenger footwell to aid centre of gravity...I can set up the pedals where I want them, etc etc..