Looking at adding a full cage to my locost for added safety. I have been looking around at cages that are offered and I am a big fan of the GBS Zero
Cage that they offer. I have had a quick look at the dimensions of the cage and it doesn't seem too far off. Does anyone know if it would be
possible to buy a GBS Zero cage and adapt it for a locost chassis or would it be easier/cheaper to simply design a cage to the exact locost dimensions
using the GBS Zero as a design aim?
Interested in your thoughts
Kitspares / GBS sell in kits https://www.kitspares.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&keyword=roll&product_id=1246
It's quite a bit of cash for some bent tubes that still need fitting up and then welding to your chassis.
Yeah I've seen that one on Kit spares, I'm not sure how much fettling that would need to fit right?
I think that price is around the ball park, I've been looking around the £800 - £900 all in. So asking a fabricator to fit and weld it up would
cost around that I believe.
https://www.cagedlaser.co.uk/ not too far from you in Radstock. BA3 5EX