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building car alloy monocoupe
ceebmoj - 23/2/05 at 08:52 PM

any one have any info or good web sights with info on alloy monocoupe construction I know it is not nesaserely sured to road aplications I am just intrested.


big_wasa - 23/2/05 at 09:35 PM

Robin hood aka the cheese grater

ceebmoj - 23/2/05 at 10:15 PM

was hoping that ther was a sight with it done well build diary stile.

andylancaster3000 - 23/2/05 at 11:29 PM

I couldn't give you a sight with a build diary but my father has designed, built and raced 2 or 3 mid-engined ally monocoque cars. I have a few pictures of the chassis build and the finished product in my archive. If you would like to see more construction pics I could e-mail them to you.


JonBowden - 23/2/05 at 11:53 PM

any chance of posting any extra pictures here - I am also fascinated by monocoque designs. If not, I could U2U you my email address. I am particularly interested in how the suspension loads are fed into the chassis without causing fractures or fatigue.

[Edited on 23/2/05 by JonBowden]

turbo time - 24/2/05 at 04:41 AM

I too am very interested in the design process behind a monocoque.

Out of curiosity, what are the specified differences between a unibody (like every passenger car these days) and a monocoque? Aren't they both chassis of sheet (metal, or composite) composition with some tubing to brace certain places as opposed to being entirely a tube chassis?


[Edited on 24/2/05 by turbo time]

Fred W B - 24/2/05 at 06:18 AM

Look at thread "lola t70 tub repair" on forum front page for good pictures of a tub


Fred WB

ceebmoj - 24/2/05 at 07:48 AM

I would like to see more pictures of the construction of the car if you have them.

on the GT40s sight I can find no pictures

Fred W B - 24/2/05 at 08:35 AM

Click on the above link - Works fine for me



Mark18 - 24/2/05 at 10:09 PM

The Quantum Xtreme uses a stainless monocoque IIRC.


drmike54 - 25/2/05 at 03:34 PM

those are some fantastic pictures. Can I make a LolaCost?

WIMMERA - 25/2/05 at 11:37 PM

Do a google search on PRB Composite, they don't give much away as far as the mono is concerned but it's worth a look
