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TIme to open a can of worms
Lotusmark2 - 5/5/03 at 10:18 AM

At this point I am turning myself inside out.
I am 6ft 8" tall and 21 stone.
I am trying to get my head aroud which donor and chasis is the way to go.
I am thinking of building my own chassis with a +6" width +2" height and +12" length (this alone is giving me a headache)
Insurance is not an issue so I am looking at a 2000cc + engine to pull my considerable frame about.
I am no mechanic or CAD operator so please HHEEEELLLPPP.

Mark Allanson - 5/5/03 at 10:56 AM

I would start looking for a cortina if you want a live axle, or perhaps a granada if you want IRS, Steve Gusty is probably the man to ask about the granada, I think he has done it.

Viper - 5/5/03 at 04:56 PM

If you don't want to fabricate your own chassis, the Luego Viento is a BIG 7 loadsa room in there...

stephen_gusterson - 5/5/03 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
I would start looking for a cortina if you want a live axle, or perhaps a granada if you want IRS, Steve Gusty is probably the man to ask about the granada, I think he has done it.

MY irs is a bit weird and wonderful! (The basic granny has the same suspension as the sierra).

I recon that its much much better to go with a live axle from summat like a cortina that will give you extra width. (think its about another 4 ins)

For a wider chassis, try the mcsorely plans - someone will tell you how to get them.

What some may frown on is the robin hood 2b kit _looks_ fairly wide - it takes sierra seats. Compare this with summat like a caterham, where its so tiny I recon you need to be a supermodel to get in it.



[Edited on 5/5/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Jon Ison - 5/5/03 at 08:41 PM

Just go for it, use the book as a guide not gospel n you will get there, maybe try sit in a built car, sus out out much more room you need n go from there........... why is building a chassis with the "+" size's you mention giving you a headache ????

put your btm rails togethor with the extra width n length built in to the "cabin" area leaving the rest as book on you flat bed n start working your way up, a tape measure will tell you how long each bar needs to be n the book will tell you where to put it......

you will get all the support you need on here, oh and maybe the odd pi55 take too........welcome.........

jbmcsorley - 8/5/03 at 06:39 PM

You can check out my +442 drawings at

If you're sure about +6-12-2 (width, length, height), then I could probably throw together some CAD drawings like those on my website in short order. I can't promise it will hold together structurally, but I can nail down the geometry for you.

-Jim M.

Lotusmark2 - 9/5/03 at 06:15 AM

Cheers Jim
I am going to try and sit in a standard chassis this weekend and take some measurements, once I have I would be grateful to take you up on your offer.

carnut - 9/5/03 at 08:15 AM

Before you start to build your own chassis take a look at the mk indy. This may be large enough for you to fit inside and saves all the hassle of messing around re-designing it all. Remember if you make your own chassis and its an unusual size you will probably have to make all your own nose cone which is a major effort. (saying that you couls cut a standard one up and add buts in). If you cost all the parts and tools that you need to build your own chassis and jigs, it may come to more than the cost of a kit.

Another thing ive found with buying an indy is the level of help from mk is very good.

billy - 9/5/03 at 09:51 PM

yep ill agree that the Luego Viento is a nice big kit,you will be ok in there m8,oh and the quality of there kit is very good with good after sale help too

jbmcsorley - 16/6/03 at 08:23 PM

Cheers Syd... it's nice to be back in the swing of things.

Here's an update... I've been working with Tim on a 6/4+12+2

For those who don't speak "stetchology", that's an additional 6 inches in the rear, 4 inches across the front, 12" length, and 2" height.... this thing is going to be a monster!

Oh, and we choose 1.25" tubing. Adding the Oz-Mods is a great idea... I'll leave that to Tim as a cut-to-fit operation.

I'll also leave it to Tim to share the details of the engine that he plans to run in this thing... and he reserves the right to name it. I like the name he's come up with, but that's not for me to disclose.

Would anyone else be interested in a full set of drawings for such a beast? What are drawings worth all printed out and bound nicely?

-Jim M.

[Edited on 16/6/03 by jbmcsorley]

timf - 17/6/03 at 08:58 AM

Thanks Jim

just to let the people know what been going on.

the engine to be run in the car is the chevy 350 in the avatar having had it dyno'ed it producues 420 Bhp and 440 lbft
so it's plenty powerful.

i was originally going irs but having had the dyno results back, and having run a cossie with 500 bhp and managed to break the diff and twist the drive shafts
I decided to go live axle using a ford mustang axle.

As for the name for the car having heard the engine running at tick over and at 3000 rpm i decided on 7 thunder and to quote jim
'not only because it sounds that way, but it should be lightening quick as well!'

A lot of the mods both oz and cymtrix's will be incorperated as the chassis is built.
