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10 years!
ReMan - 7/6/16 at 08:37 PM


We've got a weeks holiday to potter round and do a few jobs which is nice

So notable as it his today I took the MK for its MOT.
Last year was the first year it's not been on the road, due to family issues
Anyway, it passed with flying colours, so I just thought I'd make the effort to post by way of a bit of celebration
10 years! My how time flies!
I can honestly say that the little MK has still continued to stay in one piece despite much abuse and little fettling and living "outdoors".
With the exception of a few battle scars I think it's only cost me a couple of clutch changes, the occasional oil change and a couple of pair of rear tyres.

I've also made some good friends along the way and it still gets complimented at various events depite still wearing almost all its SVA trim still!
Anyway that's me done
Cheers Locostbuilders

Rosco86 - 7/6/16 at 08:57 PM

Hopefully see it out and about soon then

prawnabie - 7/6/16 at 09:16 PM

You'd have got less for murder!

ReMan - 7/6/16 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Rosco86
Hopefully see it out and about soon then

Yes like tomorrow!

Whereabouts in the shire are you?

LBMEFM - 8/6/16 at 05:32 AM

Cannot believe also how time flies, I still regard MK Indyblade as new but I completed the build in 2008. Still love it and could never sell it. Congratulations on your cars10th birthday.

Andy D - 8/6/16 at 09:34 AM

Time does appear to just vanish! Started my Westy build 1999, still got it.. it won't be going any time soon!

Very early trackday at Elvington, perhaps 2002:

And a more recent one at Croft:

Rosco86 - 8/6/16 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by ReMan
Originally posted by Rosco86
Hopefully see it out and about soon then

Yes like tomorrow!

Whereabouts in the shire are you?

Burr Beige

MikeR - 8/6/16 at 05:48 PM

I moved to burr beige last year. Where about? Could do with some inspiration to get building again (still not finished after more than 10 years).

ReMan - 8/6/16 at 07:35 PM

Ha, I didn't know tyoud moved Mike.
Happy to walk round with a beer and give you some advice

MikeR - 9/6/16 at 10:15 AM

May be a bit of a walk as i'm down Sketchley end - will have home brew cider to assist in rehydration if required

ReMan - 9/6/16 at 11:09 PM

No mate we do laps of the whole village wit'dog!
But I'm only on 3 pots