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Fireblade stalling problems on track?
tandi - 3/7/11 at 03:43 PM

Hi All
Had a great track day 3 weeks ago at Combe. But car stalled a couple of times when braking and trying to change gear? Got all crunchy trying to get in gear and bump start round the corner!

Went to combe again yesterday and the sem thing happened this time but got progressively worse to the point where it was stalling every corner!

The car excelerate like a train and pulling well and changing up the gears OK. But as soon as I brake hard and try to change down all goes quiet and no drive. Fumbling to find gears and bump starting put an end to my track time :-(

Any ideas?

Clutch seems OK.

The car is a Fury with a 919 fireblade.

Cheers all

gingerprince - 3/7/11 at 04:48 PM

Fuel starvation under heavy braking? Where's the pickup on your tank?

Or possibly a loose connection eg near your cdi that's put under stress when braking hard, cutting the ignition? Have a wiggle of your wires whilst its running.

mad-butcher - 3/7/11 at 05:48 PM

does it do it when braking in a straight line then could be a fault in brake light system causing electrics to cut when braking,


tandi - 3/7/11 at 06:05 PM

Fuel starvation was my first thought, pick up is at bottom of tank.

Hadn't though of electrical problems, will wiggle some wired to see if anything gets flagged up.

Had a search on the forum and there was a thing about split air pipes which I will also check.

Braking was in a straight line. When gently braking the problem was not as apparent.

I felt that it may be more clutch related as when braking hard on the track I am quickly on the clutch changing down. I was hard to establish which was causing the problem because the time difference was so little.


whitestu - 4/7/11 at 08:45 AM

Carb or EFI?


No. 67 - 15/7/11 at 03:49 PM

Sounds like fuel to me.

The guy who builds sevens for the race series here in N.Ireland puts a device on the bottom of the fuel tank where the pipe comes out so that there is no fuel starvation under heavy breaking or cornering.