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help with busa fueling ta
busarush - 8/5/07 at 04:55 PM

Hi everyone,

I've finally finished getting my rush back together after pulling apart the gearbox a couple of months back.

I have connected everything back up as was (as far as i'm aware) but have hit a problem. The engine cranks and fires almost on the first turn but immeadiately cuts out. I thought that this might just be because the engine hasn't been run for a while so cranked the engine with a very small amount of throttle. the engine runs but really rough and giving off strong fumes which i am sure are unburnt fuel. If i let the engine go back to idle again it stalls and then refuses to start just as though it is flooded with fuel. is there anything obvious that may be wrong. Jack at holeshot suggested two of the sensors being connected wrong but i have checked this and the only two that are the same are temperature sensors - as nothing is getting hot it can't really be these.

any suggestions?

one cable is left disconnected longish plug 3 wires pink black with red dotted line and black with white dotted line - i think this is for the speed sensor which isn't used as i'm not using the busa orig clocks.

sorry for the long post!!

GeoffCamps - 8/5/07 at 05:42 PM

mine ran really rich and rough for a while... and kept stalling, then wouldn't start etc.

I had the intake are pressure sensor plugged in to the small vaccum pipe for only one cylinder, instead of the vacum pipe which is t'ed into all cylinders.

Also it may be worth checking that the plugs for the intake and atmospheric are pressure sensors are not the wrong way round because i think they have the same plug.

Hope that helps.

busarush - 8/5/07 at 06:07 PM

thanks geoff - you just jogged my memory i missed connecting up the vac pipe to the sensor - just been out shes purring like an evil kitten again!!! bring on the sunshine this weekend!!