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Wow - First Drive
slim Jim - 14/7/07 at 08:55 PM

Totally awesome is all I can say - it has taken me quite some time to come down from the buzz!!

Managed to get through SVA first time on Wednesday up at Nottingham and have to say what a sound helpful guy Martin is!
I then had a lucky run with Northampton DVLA - got my inspection Friday morning and picked up the paperwork that afternoon.

I got the plates this morning and decided to wait til this evening before going for my first drive (was kind of all excited and admittedly a bit nervous! so waited for the traffic to quieten off a bit).

Wow wow wow wow!!!! I love it!!!! Still needs the engine/suspension setting up quite a bit but is still great!

Wanted to say thanks to Colin & Mark up at Mac#1 and Marka for their help and also all of those who post on here who have directly answered my questions and those who have enabled me to get help through the searching the site.

Fingers crossed for some better weather now!!!

Here is a pic from a pit stop whilst out on my first blast (suprisingly the sun seems to have spoilt it a bit):

Cheers James

jacko - 14/7/07 at 09:00 PM

Nice one HAVE FUN Your car looks very nice

graememk - 14/7/07 at 09:04 PM

ive been out for a quick blast tonight as well.

i love pi55ing the boy racers off at the lights

BenB - 14/7/07 at 09:47 PM

Take it easy for a while!!! Its easy to use too much throttle for a given degree of talent As I know from experience!!!
But enjoy!!!!
I still feel slightly nervous before going for a blat!!! All part of the fun...

cerbera - 14/7/07 at 10:20 PM

Congrats. Hope you find some sun tho.

Originally posted by BenB
I still feel slightly nervous before going for a blat!!! All part of the fun...

Phew!! I thought that was just me

jollygreengiant - 15/7/07 at 10:37 AM

Well done that man. Its a great feeling isn't it.
Does this mean that you will be coming to the local Northampton meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month now.

marka - 15/7/07 at 07:54 PM

Congartulations James, looking foward to trying to keep up with you when I get my plates!

slim Jim - 15/7/07 at 08:31 PM

You do make me laugh Mark, the only reason for you to play catch up would be if I set off before you got your plates!!!

richard thomas - 15/7/07 at 08:49 PM

well done fella! nervousness doesn't go away - for me anyway......

repper - 16/7/07 at 07:49 PM

nice one mate nice looking car to hope to see it at some shows now no excuses now
get you self down to acouple off track days to get used to it no kerbs to hit when the back end slids out