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Are Haynes harness mounts IVA legal?
Badger_McLetcher - 20/8/15 at 06:40 PM

Having read the IVA manual I'm trying to determine whether the standard Haynes Roadster harness mounts will pass on the IVA. For those who don't know the Haynes book says to use a 7/16" threaded bush with to a 3mm steel tab welded on midway up, the assembly then in turn being welded onto the rear of the harness bar. Can't seem to find any pictures I'm afraid.
The IVA manual states:

Threaded bushes should be welded (at both ends) through the tube, and not end mounted on the surface. (A threaded bush may be attached by
its side surface to a structural component).

I'm guessing it's saying you can weld it side on onto a structural support, but not end on? Advice on this would be appreciated as I'd like to get this done this weekend

serieslandy - 20/8/15 at 07:10 PM

Most people just drill a hole straight through the cross bar and forget about the winged plates.

[Edited on 20/8/15 by serieslandy]

Badger_McLetcher - 20/8/15 at 07:30 PM

Unfortunately I got a bit keen and didn't realise that until AFTER I welded the harness bar in place. I could drill it out now using a hand drill, but it would be a bit of a PITA!

serieslandy - 20/8/15 at 07:59 PM

Same as me then. I cut the original bar out. With the horrible book mounts and stuck it in the scrap bin.
With some effort (heat shrinkage) I got the roll bar back in, after welding a new cross bar in.

Been there done that rectified the mistakes.

[Edited on 20/8/15 by serieslandy]

40inches - 20/8/15 at 08:31 PM

Mine passed IVA like this.

Badger_McLetcher - 20/8/15 at 09:14 PM

Hmmm... The thing is that if you're welding onto a square bar you can weld all the way up the side, if welded to a round one you can only weld a part of it. Unless I welded a half a square section onto the rear of the tube and then welded the bushes to it in the same manner. May be easier than trying to drill the holes, and I really don't want to have to cut the harness bar out and re-do it!