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Sierra steering Play
T66 - 27/3/12 at 05:23 PM

Im using a Sierra column, and have play in the top of the column. I need to make up a couple of bushes to fettle the alloy clamp bracket, as its only bolted through and has an excess around the bolts. It has the Sierra original top section, steering lock to retain the Sierra wheel.

Is the lack of bushes on the column clamp the culprit ?

Do I -

1) Use a lower bearing and bracket - Ive made one.

2) Or clamp the top of the column, above the alloy bracket.

Its been suggested I clamp the top first, but this will involve clamping the waffle collapsing upper section, which I would sooner leave as is...


adithorp - 27/3/12 at 07:45 PM

Have you still got the black plastic bush (indicator canceller) between the wheel and top bearing along with the tin spacer (looks a bit like a star washer)? YHou need it to take theplay out of the top bearing.

T66 - 27/3/12 at 09:10 PM

The plastic is still there, the movement seems to come from the bottom bearing. The spring is on the column and its spring washer. I dont have the top washer ....might be in my box of bits hopefully

I have slid the column towards the driver, within its alloy bracket and tightened the pinch bolt. Doesnt make any difference.

is the bottom bearing when seated correctly meant to slide/fit inside the alloy bracket ? then tighten the bolt?

[Edited on 27/3/12 by T66]

Dickyboy - 28/3/12 at 10:46 AM

I didn't have the black plastic bush, and when the wheel pushed down it shorted out the horn contacts with interesting results, So the bush is needed, Doesn't have to be plastic, I turned one up from ali and made an indicator cancelling gubbins to fit in it, worked fine.

T66 - 28/3/12 at 04:23 PM

Cheers for the replies.

I found the small star washer this morning, and the plastic bush.

With the bushes in the bracket now. It firmed it up a lot.

Decided to fit the bottom bearing, which has nearly fettled about 95% of the play.

But the flimsy fiat bulkhead is flexing , so the final job is to brace it up to cure this.

Feel like I've progressed today.
