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Slipper Plug
dangerousbrian - 7/4/12 at 12:31 PM

Anyone have a slipper plug for a Sierra rack that they fancy sending me?

Not long bought an MK indy and was out driving along until my steering went from being fine to having a huuuge amount of play in it, to the point i had to limp home at no more than 30mph.

Turns out that the previous person had chipped n broke the slipper plug loads and it had moved on the treads and caused loads of play.

So if any1 has a spare plug hanging around anywhere or know where i can get one from it would be much apreciate.



renetom - 8/4/12 at 08:26 AM

Try Fords dealer. they should have the parts required.
good luck.

dangerousbrian - 8/4/12 at 11:46 AM


i thought this kind of stuff would be too old now for a ford dealer to stock.

I'll give it a go.



renetom - 8/4/12 at 04:41 PM

If you don't have any luck with Fords, Try Danny at MK he may have a spare one or the bits you need
They modify the Sierra Racks.
When you get it , get it fitted & adjusted correctly , dont forget to peen it in 2 or 3 places so
it wont come undone.
Assuming you have the plug spring & threaded cap.

dangerousbrian - 8/4/12 at 07:01 PM

It's the threaded cap that i need, i thought this was called the slipper plug?

The threaded cap was basically chipped and cracked all over the place which caused it to move on the threads and give me massive amounts of play in the steering wheel.

I still have everything including the spring, i just need the threaded plastic cap.

Here's what the cap looked like (this damage was already done before i touched it)

