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Making a pedal box
designer - 5/10/12 at 07:41 PM

Good information here to made your own:


rost - 5/10/12 at 07:56 PM

I like the detail you've put into it

[Edited on 5/10/12 by rost]

coyoteboy - 5/10/12 at 08:20 PM

Really nicely created, really simple with good style. I like it. I am a bit worried about the strength/rigidity of it but it's hard to tell from images.

voucht - 5/10/12 at 08:27 PM

Hello everyone,
I'm not very active on this forum as I am building a Haynes Roadster and I move to the Haynes Forum at the beginning of my build.
Thank you to Designer for the link to my blog and to the Pedal Box Construction guide. I couldn't imagine it would go so far, to this forum!
As I say in the guide, sorry for my English, I did my best, but I'm French and not natural English speaking. However, I hope this will be understandable enough. Any question, feel free to email me at :

A member of the Haynes Forum made a smart modifications to my Pedal Box, you can see the pictures at the end of this thread:

Thanks again.

designer - 5/10/12 at 08:33 PM

It not mine.

coyoteboy - 5/10/12 at 08:42 PM

As I say in the guide, sorry for my English, I did my best, but I'm French and not natural English speaking.

Don't apologise, be proud - you speak/write better English than a lot of English people, and a lot better than they would write in French!

snapper - 6/10/12 at 09:04 AM

Very good and inspiring build thread
Thanks for sharing

voucht - 7/10/12 at 08:42 AM

Thank you very for the comments on the build thread/pedal box guys (and on my English: it is cheering me up)