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Brake pipes on a Classic Range Rover
richardh - 31/10/12 at 11:41 AM


i took off my front brake lines to replace them and now i've forgotten which pipes go from the master cylinder outets to the respective places on the calipers.

Anyone able to check and advise for me please?

i think it might be:

front of master - side outlet goes to the compensator thingy
front of master - top outlet goes to nearside lower on caliper
rear of master - side outlet goes to ??
rear of master - top outlet goes to nearside higher on caliper

I've looked at some sites but they only show the 4 in and outlets going to primary and secondary feeds on calipers and not to the compensator thing.


Wheels244 - 31/10/12 at 07:04 PM

According to the Haynes bible :

Master cylinder front outlet feeds the secondary circuit which according to the schematic goes from the compensator to the bottom inlet of the front callipers.
Master cylinder rear outlet feeds the primary circuit which at the compensator splits to feed the rear calipers and the top inlet of the front callipers.

Hope that helps.

Wheels244 - 31/10/12 at 07:06 PM

Forgot to ask the age of the Range Rover ?

richardh - 31/10/12 at 09:18 PM

1984, thanks for helping

Wheels244 - 31/10/12 at 09:46 PM

1984 - that info should be correct then.