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Rear Caliper Options
the_big_1 - 6/7/16 at 05:16 PM

Hi Guys,

Looking a rear caliper set up.

At the moment I dont really have anything.
Will be running Sierra drive shafts, diff etc and looking to use the Sierra bearing hub possibly.

The obvious choice would be Sierra calipers but getting hard to get and costly.
Is there any alternatives that would fit. Or close to fit with mods?

rash12 - 6/7/16 at 05:50 PM

might be of some use saw them as i was browsing ntdwm ebay seem cheap enough

the_big_1 - 6/7/16 at 05:54 PM

Are they Sierra?

Wadders - 6/7/16 at 06:15 PM

Pug 106 fit with a bit of persuasion, cheap enough brand new from GSF and feather weight compared to sierra.

the_big_1 - 6/7/16 at 06:55 PM


I could find them on GSF at £180 each and seems to be piston only? No mounting / pad sliders etc?
What about hand brke on them?


Wadders - 7/7/16 at 04:10 PM

I admit its a good few years since bought mine, but from memory they were less than £100 each brand new and complete.
they have handbrake built in. Maybe my memory is failing and they're not off a 106 ?
heres a pic , someone might be able to confirm what they are.


Originally posted by the_big_1

I could find them on GSF at £180 each and seems to be piston only? No mounting / pad sliders etc?
What about hand brke on them?


ian locostzx9rc2 - 7/7/16 at 04:16 PM

Yes Peugeot /Citroen calipers