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Engines from stolen bikes
pathfinder - 20/8/05 at 04:16 PM

I have just been to look at a stolen recovered bike with the view to using the engine for a bec project. The bike has had the frame numbers removed but the engine numbers are intact and all other components look spot on. The bike is being sold by a very reputable local dealer as a track bike (think he said it was a cat. B). My question is, will I have any complications when registering a bec with an engine that has come from a stolen bike? The dealer has said that he will give a full receipt for it!

mak - 20/8/05 at 04:40 PM

My bike engine was also from a stolen/recovered bike. I made sure I got a proper reciept and the correct police file number.

However I am not intending to use my car on the road.

SixedUp - 20/8/05 at 07:20 PM

I dont know the answer, but I bet if you were to find out where the main police station in your area is, ask to speak to the guy in charge of traffic, and then explain the situation to them, you'd either get a pretty good view on what evidence you need to prove that you've come by the engine legally, or alternatively why this might not be a good idea

pathfinder - 21/8/05 at 10:30 AM

posted this in the wrong section so thought i'd get it back at the top of the post pile. anyone else have any ideas????

JoelP - 21/8/05 at 10:55 AM

id agree with both the above. good advice IMHO

Dick Axtell - 21/8/05 at 02:42 PM

Originally posted by SixedUp
....find out where the main police station in your area is, ask to speak to the guy in charge of traffic,....

If you can find a police station which is open to the public!!!
All our local police establishments have their front doors locked & bolted, 'cos they don't want to deal with the public - too much trouble, see?
However, a wall-mounted inter-com is provided, and a disembodied voice gives you a phone number to ring. Do that, and you have to start pushing buttons to suit your particular complaint/enquiry/plea for help etc.

NS Dev - 22/8/05 at 12:30 PM

I certainly don't think it would be an issue.

Plenty on here have car engines from stolen and recovered cars, nothing illegal as long as the car/bike has been recovered, i.e. you are not buying stolen goods.

The only problem is if the car/bike is still registered as stolen! (which it shouldn't be if the salvage yard is offering a receipt)

may be best to double check with local plod though, but don't mention just "stolen" always say "stolen and recovered"!

Jon Bradbury - 23/8/05 at 07:50 PM

Also ask the DVLA - they're the ones you have to prove ownership to when you first register the car.

andyps - 23/8/05 at 08:09 PM

If the categories are the same as for cars then a Cat B means it can be broken up and sold as spares, but the body (frame for a bike?) has to be destroyed. That means the engine can be reused with no issue.