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Best place to buy new shocks?
lotustwincam - 22/9/08 at 07:57 PM

As my rear shocks are pretty knackered, I'm in the market for some new ones.

Can anyone suggest a good place ( = low price) to buy replacement shocks?

9 inch closed, 13 open with 1/2" eyes. Spring size not important as I'll be taking the opportunity to fit softer springs.

I don't need anything fancy, as basically anything will be better than I have at the moment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Miketheconn - 23/9/08 at 09:19 AM

Sorry to hijack lotustwincam's thread but I'm building a Locost on a budget and was wondering if anyone knew if there was a vehicle you could get the shocks off from a scrap yard. I bought my project from a chap part finished and the shocks he gave me were from a Reliant kitten but they are just a bit too long. I think I need shocks that are of similar dimensions to lotustwincam's

Thanks in advance
