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What Seat do you recommend?
Rosco - 22/2/10 at 04:47 PM

What seats would you recommend for a Fury - mostly for road use? (I guess 7 seats are very similar).

I'm not looking for much, just the lightest, most comfortable and lowest cost seats I can get - that look good and are IVA friendly.

I've looked at Triton and Intarim Ranger and while both look OK on paper, I'm looking for recommendations, and alternatives, if there are any.

I like to sit low down so thinking I'll mount them directly onto the floor. I'm also keen to keep the weight down but don't see much information on weights in publicity material.

Any recommendations on what's good and what's not.

Guihanos - 22/2/10 at 04:53 PM

I will probably buy thoses one from agmsportscars.
I have already ordered body parts and they were well made... and cheap as well.

Triton - 22/2/10 at 05:12 PM

Triton race seats do a seat specific for the Fury/Riot etc. they have high sides and four harness slots as standard but a fifth can be added at time of manufacture. They weigh approx 4.5kgs each and stiff as a stiff thing.

I yes it's a blatant plug as my Daughter now makes them and I'm sure folk would agree that a 21 year old girlie making grp race seats for a living deserves praise

franky - 22/2/10 at 05:16 PM

shaun fulcrum - 22/2/10 at 05:32 PM

+1 for Triton seats. They are very comfy and well made.

Lars - 22/2/10 at 05:39 PM

+1 for triton

Dan. - 22/2/10 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by TritonI'm sure folk would agree that a 21 year old girlie making grp race seats for a living deserves praise

Depends do we get to collectin person

tul214 - 22/2/10 at 06:10 PM

I know that many on this site have used Triton seats and I am sure they are great. However, I have just fitted JK Composite seats and I can recommend them as an alternative.
The only reason I went with them is that they have a weave laid into the rear of the seat that IMHO looks better?
Seat Linky



eddie99 - 22/2/10 at 06:33 PM

+1 for JK composites. Excellent quality and service.

Triton - 26/2/10 at 09:13 PM

Lots of happy customers for Triton seats as they are comfy, the right price and don't flex due to the way they are laminated.
If folk want a fancier finish to the back of the seats Ed and Emma can do this using fine fibreglass surface tissue, I suggest you email them for the extra cost though as I'm not involved anymore, all I do these days is try and help spread the word....