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Caterham S3 seat dimensions
chris68 - 28/6/15 at 10:07 AM

Hi guys,

Do any of you Caterham drivers have the nice padded Caterham seats in your cars (the ones with the removeable headrests)? If so would you be able to do some measuring for me. I'm after as many dimensions as possible particularly widths of seat base and back etc

Having tried many seats these seem to me to be the most comfortable and will be looking for a secondhand set. Unfortunately the SV versions will probably be too wide.

Any info. gratefully received.



ian locostzx9rc2 - 28/6/15 at 11:41 AM

Westfield seats are comfy I had some fitted in my striker for a while but I sat a bit to high up and my sons couldn't get on with them as there both taller than me if they can fit in a striker I would think they would easily fit in most other cars