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Introducing W7DE
dozracing - 28/10/05 at 08:38 PM

Hi all,

Thought you might like to see the results of some of our recent hard work. Its been a painful few weeks getting this lot into production but we have finally achieved it. Hopefully things can get back to some sort of normality now.

Pics are of a race car (one of a batch of 7) going out to Dubai's new race track to form a racing school. Hence left hand drive, full cage and no lights.

This is the 4" wider car, whose bodywork suits builders of the McSorley +4" car.

Darren Rescued attachment w7de-frnt2-small.jpg
Rescued attachment w7de-frnt2-small.jpg

dozracing - 28/10/05 at 08:41 PM

From the side Rescued attachment w7de-side-small.jpg
Rescued attachment w7de-side-small.jpg

dozracing - 28/10/05 at 08:43 PM

From the front Rescued attachment w7de-frnt3-small.jpg
Rescued attachment w7de-frnt3-small.jpg

dozracing - 28/10/05 at 08:45 PM

From the back. Rescued attachment w7de-back-small.jpg
Rescued attachment w7de-back-small.jpg

flak monkey - 28/10/05 at 08:46 PM

Looks really nice

Great effort

Makes me realise I should get on with mine really...


PS good to see you back on the forum again...

[Edited on 28/10/05 by flak monkey]

dozracing - 28/10/05 at 08:57 PM

I'm not really back on the forum as such. Just wanted to introduce the new car, then let everyone have their say without getting involved.

GTS does develop the products that people on here ask for. I hope we do that quite well. We have our faults, but, who doesn't. Main thing for me is that technically we are good and well thought of. Secondly, i'm not happy standing still and i really want to develop the business to iron out our faults as much as humanly possible. Its been painful getting to where we are, an i'm sure it'll be painful going forward but we will get there and i'm sure i'll look back on it all and think it was worth the effort.

Kind regards,

Hellfire - 28/10/05 at 08:58 PM

Likewise - good to see you back Darren!

One question about the lovely car you've posted... are the sidepanels/rearpanel one piece? No join line....

What does the car weigh in at?

dl_peabody - 28/10/05 at 09:40 PM

I noticed the new car. Very Nice. I also noticed you mentioned you are working for a firm that builds/designs them, but you didn't mention the firms name.

Can anyone here help out and post a link to this guys firm?

Nice looking car.

Weight and specs would be nice too....

need4speed - 28/10/05 at 09:46 PM

have a look at link


flak monkey - 28/10/05 at 09:46 PM


Doz is better known as Darren who owns GTS Tuning...the people who make the W7DE and Panther and Challenger etc...


Must be quicker in future...

[Edited on 28/10/05 by flak monkey]

Fozzie - 28/10/05 at 09:51 PM

I would like to see the finished car pics please.


G.Man - 28/10/05 at 10:17 PM

nice looking car

love the colour

Ben_Copeland - 29/10/05 at 07:22 AM

Well Done Darren

scotty g - 29/10/05 at 08:13 AM

I've had the good fortune to see this car in several stages of its build and i am very impressed, this is the one that they started at Brands Hatch i believe.
I know of a few customers that were going to have the standard sized Panther change their orders to the +4 after seeing it at the workshop, i was nearly tempted but stuck with the Panther because i'm slim enough.
Ahhh, smug mode!

Fat Boy - 29/10/05 at 09:01 PM

Hi Scotty how are you, Ive gone for the the wide version and now seeing the pictures its even better than I thought it would be , as some body said, the product is the best out there for value for money, I think so to.

Triton - 29/10/05 at 09:35 PM

You will be needing some wide seats to go in that then.........

scotty g - 30/10/05 at 11:27 AM

Bloody cheek! Is there anyone he won't try and flog a seat to?
I bet your'e good at playing Monopoly Triton eh?

Triton - 30/10/05 at 01:30 PM

Better to be cheeky than uptight i always say

Gav - 30/10/05 at 06:47 PM

Nice, very nice.

Now thats out the way, you can crack on with my order

shortie - 30/10/05 at 09:30 PM

What's the score with the cage as you would wack your head on the front diaganol bit in an accident, looks a bit too close to the drivers head.

JoelP - 30/10/05 at 09:34 PM

i think you would already have snapped in two if your head reached that far forward in a crash!

shortie - 30/10/05 at 09:49 PM

I'm just a bit confused.

If there have been 8 built for a race series then why not take a picture of a finished car, unless I have missed something then that car is not finished.

Also surely the exhaust is going to gas the passenger and how come it has a foglight, I guess it could be a race light but then it's in completely the wrong position.

As I said I may be missing something.

JoelP - 30/10/05 at 09:55 PM

whats not finished? The foglight might be too low for uk regs, but its the correct side for a left hooker isnt it?

Fozzie - 30/10/05 at 09:58 PM

Well I am glad you said that Rich, because I was beginning to worry that I had completely lost the plot!.......
Darren hasn't replied to my earlier post of wanting to see a finished one, and I am rather concerned that if it is a 'one piece' body, and they are for a race school, surely its going to get dinged quite a bit.....and the front wings...i can see problems after a few spins in the kitty litter....ah well, I am sure Darren will answer our concerns soon...


shortie - 30/10/05 at 09:58 PM

Why would a race car have a fog light!!!! and where's the seat or the headrest!!!

Fozzie - 30/10/05 at 10:00 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
whats not finished? The foglight might be too low for uk regs, but its the correct side for a left hooker isnt it?

On the track Joel..
It would be 'right' for a left hooker on the road...but its not for the road...or am I like Rich and missing something?

Fozzie - 30/10/05 at 10:12 PM

Assuming that the car pictured is finished. A fog light for race should be centrally mounted and its far too low (thats international race regs), Darren, your side panels, they do seem to be longer than the lower part of the nose. Is this acting as some kind of air scoop, or some kind of handling aid?
I do like the invisible bonnet catches, seats and seat belts.
The suspension (IMO) seems somewhat inadequately set, in fact the panel work does actually appear to be sitting on the chassis rather than fixed to it.


JoelP - 30/10/05 at 10:15 PM

well i dont know, im cant pretend ot know much about racecars myself. But these seem like a series of small issues, i myself could make up answers to most of them. Surely racecars have rain lights? ie, not just tail lights, but something like f1 cars use in the rain. The exhaust could well be missing its end bend. The seat might be coming from triton. Who knows? Whys it a big deal?

Plus, he never said all 7 were finished. Maybe this is the first of 7 finished? Maybe the stress he refers to was finishing moulds, not finishing 7 cars.

And i think we all know darren is unlikely to post soon, because he always ends up wasting time with silly threads (sorry guys, picking fault in a photo of a car is daft in my books, nothing personal )

cross posted there fozzie, i cant comment on race regs or panel fitting, but you get my drift

[Edited on 30/10/05 by JoelP]

mnr laptop - 30/10/05 at 10:24 PM


Pics are of a race car (one of a batch of 7) going out to Dubai's new race track to form a racing school. Hence left hand drive, full cage and no lights.

my ex is one of the instructors at dubai circuit , she tells me they also have an order for 30 caterhams too, its one hell of a facilty

only problem is it is damn hot there, even winter is warm

cant see them needing the weather light

the body is joined i think just near the front edge of the arch,
re rollbar would think its fine in the primera touring car i had 2 1/2 inches of clearance on the front lateral bar to my head ( but we used hans devices ) would think they probably will use these anyway as they are big into suing over there if you have a crash ( and the driving on the roads is like taking your life in your hands over there ) shudder to think what they are like on the circuit

[Edited on 30/10/05 by mnr laptop]

Fozzie - 30/10/05 at 10:40 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
well i dont know, im cant pretend ot know much about racecars myself. But these seem like a series of small issues, i myself could make up answers to most of them. Surely racecars have rain lights? ie, not just tail lights, but something like f1 cars use in the rain. The exhaust could well be missing its end bend. The seat might be coming from triton. Who knows? Whys it a big deal?

Plus, he never said all 7 were finished. Maybe this is the first of 7 finished? Maybe the stress he refers to was finishing moulds, not finishing 7 cars.

And i think we all know darren is unlikely to post soon, because he always ends up wasting time with silly threads (sorry guys, picking fault in a photo of a car is daft in my books, nothing personal )

cross posted there fozzie, i cant comment on race regs or panel fitting, but you get my drift

[Edited on 30/10/05 by JoelP]

Joel, I think you miss my point
Darren has clearly spent time and effort in producing a +4 (wider) car and bodywork.
If pictures are going to be shown to the public and potential customers, surely it would make good sense, to state as to whether it is the 'finished' article, or just say, 'this is it so far, but got a few mods to do to complete'.
Far from being 'silly posts' I would have thought that for maybe new customers, clarification as to the finished state of the 'W7DE' would be paramount.
ATB Fozzie

Rorty - 31/10/05 at 07:01 AM

I must agree; if you're going to put an obviously unfinished car up on a forum, then you should hang around and fend any questions and not thumb your nose at the forum!
I really can't understand how Darren continues to attract business from anyone on this forum, irrespective of the quality of his stuff.

scotty g - 31/10/05 at 07:12 AM

To the best of my knowledge the bodywork is not a one piece job, it is more or less the same as the Panther only wider obviously. I beleive the lights a a pair of driving lights and a fog light as it was asked for by the customer.
The seat is not in yet but it has been made from a new mould, 2 inches wider to make use of the extra space, it just needs fitting.
As for your other issues i'm afraid i don't have the answers, sorry matey.

marc n - 31/10/05 at 06:23 PM

strangely enough heard from the ex today and she was telling me the car they had as a demo from a large 7 type organisation struggled to stay cool enough might be worth looking at a decent four core ( if you havent already )

best regards


Triton - 31/10/05 at 06:44 PM

If the engines are cooking surely the grp will also suffer....just as a thought.

mnr laptop - 31/10/05 at 07:34 PM

this particular car as i understand it is mainly alloy and carbon bodied, dont know what fibreglass will be like never thought of that

Triton - 31/10/05 at 10:48 PM

Well grp is funny stuff and will move if it gets too warm...

mandy69 - 31/10/05 at 11:20 PM

Move? or melt?

MikeR - 31/10/05 at 11:22 PM

Marc, your ex-misses, let me get this right, shes in a fantastic country, loves driving (and driving fast), teaches people to race for a living .......

errm, whats the ettique in asking for her number?

Triton - 31/10/05 at 11:35 PM

Heat and grp don't really mix unless high temp resin and gel coat used

Ian Pearson - 31/10/05 at 11:45 PM


cant see them needing the weather light

Often gets foggy in the Gulf, fog light quite handy. Not sure about on the race track though.

Triton - 31/10/05 at 11:47 PM

Just to keep the scrutineer bods happy i should think, but as said before it's supposed to be in the centre and as high as poss.

Fozzie - 1/11/05 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Triton
Heat and grp don't really mix unless high temp resin and gel coat used

T'other half used to build Panthers back in the 70's-80's, I can't remember precisely which model had the problem, but the grp bubbled and distorted like crazy! Mega problems and, and yes I do know that technology has moved on somewhat since then! . but by the very nature of the composition it must still be a worry, even super dooper air flow around the engine won't be suffice with the blistering Dubai sun.

Ian Pearson - 1/11/05 at 10:26 AM

Loads of fibreglass boats, fibreglass water tanks etc, in the Gulf. They don't blister or melt, so it can obviously be done.

dozracing - 1/11/05 at 11:00 AM

I'll try and post these answer quick, as during the last effort the computer crashed before i could press send.

The weight is around 550kg

The rear panel and side panels are seperate pieces that butt together by your elbow.

Seats are available for road cars, now made in house. Race car in picture has a two part foam seat made to suit the driver, we have provided school seats for use with different drivers.

Fog/Rain light is partly for effect, no regulations to comply with in race school.

Cage is way above drivers head, even for a 6ft 4" big lad.

Suspension is not setup, as this car was built only to run on the rolling road and sort out the Duratec installation.

Bonnet is not fixed properly, all other panels are.

All chassis' and body panels are now either made in house or with new local suppliers to help resolve supply issues.

Darren George (Dozracing) owns GTS Tuning and also owns Kit Car Builds. and The design is by GTS, and cars a built in turnkey form by Kit Car Builds.

Any specific questions are best emailed to as serious questions tend to get lost in these long threads, and therefore remain unanswered.

Kind regards,

Fat Boy - 1/11/05 at 07:40 PM

Nice one Mate,thanks for all your help with my new car,i have every thing including the seats thanks (Triton) but GTS supplied the whole thing, ie even the wheeles and tyres, well pleased.

Triton - 1/11/05 at 11:00 PM

Crikey!!! making tyres as well now

Danozeman - 2/11/05 at 03:06 PM

NIce looking car that mate. Was that partly built at brands? It was a lefty u were building.

Nice to see you on here again Darren.

dozracing - 3/11/05 at 04:48 PM

Yes we built it to a rolling chassis with bodywork at Brands in a day. They go together pretty quick.

Kind regards,


mandy69 - 6/11/05 at 07:57 PM

Are the rear wings specific to the wide version?

scotty g - 7/11/05 at 07:12 PM

GTS do two types of rear wing.
A standard, for the wide body car and Escort axled Locosts.
A wide wing (2" wider) for the Panther and Locosts using Capri/ Cortina axles.

James - 8/11/05 at 10:12 AM

Originally posted by scotty g

A wide wing (2" wider) for the Panther and Locosts using Capri/ Cortina axles.

And Sierra axles too!


[Edited on 8/11/05 by James]