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Urgently wanted front screen!!
Richtiger - 5/7/09 at 08:26 PM

my standard tiger front screen has cracked need another as mot has now expired and the crack will make it a fail i think. So i dont mind if its a perspex one you have a glass one watever gets it through the test, if you have anything get in touch please.

cheers rich

austin man - 5/7/09 at 08:27 PM

Take it off for the test cant fail it if its not on

omega0684 - 5/7/09 at 08:30 PM

don't put a screen on for the test

tomgregory2000 - 5/7/09 at 08:37 PM

as above, if it aint there they cant test it
Removed a few things from cars just before mot time so they would pass and some how they found there way back on afterwards

eccsmk - 5/7/09 at 09:00 PM

where are you ??

BenB - 5/7/09 at 09:01 PM

I would like to formally support the testement of my fellow LBers....

Take the flipping screen off for the MOT

Richtiger - 6/7/09 at 04:55 PM

yea but i was thinking if take the screen off but ive still got the wipers etc, surely thats a fail? u turn wiper on and they go into thin air n washer jets squirt you in face! haha. or dont that matter? Im in leeds by the way.