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M$RK_VXRD - 2/12/10 at 02:21 PM

Im looking for a road legal quad bike must have tax & test anything considered will pay up to £1000

if you know of anyone selling one let me know pls

mangogrooveworkshop - 2/12/10 at 02:28 PM

bit out of your budget

b16mts - 2/12/10 at 04:15 PM

I was thinking just last night whether getting a quad for my 10 mile commute was a good idea or crazy! i'm spending loads of funds driving a subaru legacy twin turbo to work everyday, when a quad might be just as fun. not sure about he cold/rain etc.


hillbillyracer - 2/12/10 at 08:48 PM

I'm not sure about the sport side of things as I work with utility quads but £1000 would buy you something a bit rough & tired or needing a repair of somekind. mabye the recreational side of things you might be able to pick something up private where they've just got bored with it?
Why do you need it to be road legal? They dont really belong on the road as they dont handle well on hard surfaces, the idea of being road legal is that you ride it the short distance on the road to the location that you really need to use it as quad bike.
I've never ridden motorbikes much but you're exposed just the same so there's the same drawbacks/benifits there. Definately would'nt want to commute on one. Besides they really cant handle high mileages, 40,000 miles on a car is nothing, on a quad it's massive!

M$RK_VXRD - 2/12/10 at 10:21 PM

my street is over a foot deep in snow its that bad my tin top just looks like a large snow mound lol, anyway havent been abel to get to work because of this last year was the same bmw's hate the snow! thats why it needs to be road legal.

just bought this - road legal quad Shenke 250cc 60 plate on eBay (end time 02-Dec-10 19:46:19 GMT) - only a cheapy make but should cover my 5 mile comute to and from work ok!

anyone local to me with a 4x4 fancy giving me a lift to leeds tomorrow (will cover fuel costs obviously)