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Fireblade engine Dead or alive
simonwinn - 14/6/11 at 08:08 PM

As title, I'm after a blade engine, any condition but preferably Free or beer tokens. It will only be used to judge space needed in my new project. Doesnt even matter if its got a great big hole in the block!

Let me know what you've got.

Andy B - 14/6/11 at 08:57 PM

got one at the unit you can have - whereabouts are you?

simonwinn - 14/6/11 at 09:07 PM

Wow that was quick. I'm in Long Eaton, between Nottingham and Derby, quite away from you Andy. Would it post?

Andy B - 14/6/11 at 09:26 PM

I have a set of cases which are holed, I can put a set of old covers on it and bolt in an output shaft so you have a reference point. I might be able to get it to trowel in Notts with a mate on Monday if that helps, if you u2u me your number I will give you a call tomorrow to arrange things