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Rover V8
TheGiantTribble - 21/6/11 at 07:11 PM

Good evening all.

Has anyone got a Rover V8 engine or even parts of?
That is maybe cluttering up their garage/anoying their other half, that they would like to exchange for some folding stuff....or is it just Mrs Tribble that doesn't like bits of project on the floor

Thanks in advance.


Ps if it could already be looking like a Ford DFV even better

skodaman - 21/6/11 at 07:22 PM

''or is it just Mrs Tribble that doesn't like bits of project on the floor''
It's the MIG welding in the kitchen Mrs Skodaman objects to. Come to think of it she's not too keen on me spraying the panels of my blast cabinet in the bathroom either.

simonwinn - 21/6/11 at 07:34 PM

U2U sent.

TheGiantTribble - 22/6/11 at 07:07 AM

U2U reply'd to