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New cheap high performance tuning system on ebay
iank - 11/5/09 at 08:13 AM

tendoshingan - 11/5/09 at 08:23 AM

top banana, laughed my head off

paul the 6th - 11/5/09 at 08:25 AM

absolutely genius

Staple balls - 11/5/09 at 08:25 AM

Steve Hignett - 11/5/09 at 08:28 AM

He's made £9.98 so far too!

omega0684 - 11/5/09 at 08:29 AM

well its all in a good cause! 10 bids though!

how much do you reckon it will go for?

Guinness - 11/5/09 at 08:40 AM


Wonder if it would work on a BEC??


zoom - 11/5/09 at 08:50 AM

Look don't fall for this as it dos'nt work!!!!!
I tried this as the bhp increase was too good to ignore but his claims are false!!

I spent over £100.00 and only the carrot/stick worked and only gave me an increase of 20hp and not the claimed 60hp

buyer beware

Peteff - 11/5/09 at 08:52 AM

Do you get tax incentives for using green technology ? I asked my MP and he said " Lettuce look into it for you"

richardlee237 - 11/5/09 at 09:02 AM

That is brilliant.


......we also do a rancid rotting badger carcass that trails from the rear valance.

Some of the funniest stuff I've read in a long time.

speedyxjs - 11/5/09 at 01:41 PM

That was posted the other day. Pretty funny though