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Hidden bargain - Sylva Fury 1.8 TC £3000
zilspeed - 12/6/10 at 09:39 AM

How not to sell your car, I would have thought.

Bury it in the second half of an advert for a relatively unattractive kit car.

That's a safe £3,000 investment I would have thought.

Midtec Spyder advert

[Edited on 12/6/10 by zilspeed]

whitestu - 12/6/10 at 09:41 AM

Definately a bargain!

joolsmi16 - 12/6/10 at 11:57 AM

asked the chap a few questions and the only major issue is that it needs a new gearbox which comes with the sale...

SeaBass - 12/6/10 at 01:38 PM

It is insured and taxed currently too...

Bargain I'd say.