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e mule
theconrodkid - 23/2/07 at 02:25 PM

trying to download some music for my new fangled cd player thingy in my new fangled car.
does it take forever to download 1 song?
talking about 20 mins for a 3 min song

theconrodkid - 23/2/07 at 02:31 PM

ive got broadband with no fancy extra,s

macnab - 23/2/07 at 02:39 PM

pity did'nt get a new fangled computer...

[Edited on 23/2/07 by macnab]

theconrodkid - 23/2/07 at 02:56 PM

steam is new and fangled for moi ill have you know

theconrodkid - 23/2/07 at 03:37 PM

must be low,took 1/2 hour or more to down load kashmir (by led zep not the country) ill have a play laters.ta

Phil. S - 23/2/07 at 06:07 PM

You could always watch and listen on youtube

theconrodkid - 23/2/07 at 06:37 PM

Hi Phill ,long time no see,one of my hero bands i never got to see

martyn_16v - 23/2/07 at 07:17 PM

emule is a bit on the slow side compared to other p2p these days, but that does seem excessive. I gave up on it a while back because of that and the fact that the edonkey network started getting flooded with sh*te a bit like kazaa. If i want to download single tracks I use limewire these days, it's pretty nippy as long as there are more than a couple of sources for the track you're after

theconrodkid - 24/2/07 at 06:53 AM

cheers,il give it a try

theconrodkid - 1/3/07 at 10:14 PM

right ive managed to download some of my faves,there is one album tho that is "rar" and i cant open it,it says max download 500 kb.
any way round it,its only available in that mode by looks of it
if anyone can manage to do it and wants to mail it to me if thats poss?
its "going deaf for a living" by fischer z