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Windows Vista
westf27 - 31/3/07 at 04:26 PM

The problem I have is most things open and close very slowly even shutdown.machine has 512 mb of ram,is this enough

McLannahan - 31/3/07 at 04:30 PM

512MB SHOULD be enough for an OS but Vista...I don't think so.

Mine runs Vista with 2 Gig and an Intel DC and it runs quite well.

RAM is still really cheap so I'd splash out and increase it to at least 1 GIG.

mookaloid - 31/3/07 at 04:31 PM

I've heard it needs at least 1GB RAM to run

westf27 - 31/3/07 at 04:35 PM

right then seems like a trip down the road to see rambo man

RazMan - 31/3/07 at 04:43 PM

My spare machine was running it perfectly ok on 512Mb - and that was a lowly AMD 2000+ processor.

If you run the CPU meter on the sidebar you can get a good idea of how the memory is handling it. Having said all that you will find an improvement with 1Gb.

martyn_16v - 31/3/07 at 04:48 PM

Try changing the theme to 'windows classic' (it basically turns off most of the flash bits) and see how you get on.

ProjectX - 31/3/07 at 08:43 PM

Well i have to say:

Why bother?

Mac OSX has been doing what vista has for years!

Another MS scam im afraid!!!!

I have a machine running 16GB of Ram! but a cr ap video card! Vista is a pile of Poo!!!!!

Win 2000 pro is a winner or as you may have heard

DELL ships Laptops with LINUX.

AdamR - 31/3/07 at 11:28 PM

My laptop runs Vista Ultimate... I've just upgraded from 512M to 1.5G and it's made a huge difference. So yeah, get some more RAM.

violentblue - 11/4/07 at 03:53 AM

if you only have 512mb of ram you need this