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Internet Warning!
chrisg - 14/12/05 at 05:09 PM

Hoax warnings don't usually scare me, but this one is important........

Please send it to everyone on your email list.

If someone comes to your front door and says they are conducting a
survey and asks you to show them your arse, DO NOT show them your arse.

This is a scam; they just want to see your arse.

I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap.



Cita - 14/12/05 at 06:15 PM

liam.mccaffrey - 14/12/05 at 06:22 PM

very very very good!

Funniest thing i'v read on here for ages

Hellfire - 14/12/05 at 10:09 PM

Brilliant - as usual

Should we expect anything less from Chris?

steve_gus - 16/12/05 at 10:53 PM

got more than he bargained for I suspect chris



pauldm - 16/12/05 at 11:02 PM

Seriously though - its worth reminding everyone about the impending internet clean day which soon be upon us.
As many of you know, occasionally the Internet must be shut down for 24 hours in order to clean it. The cleaning process, which eliminates dead e-mail and inactive ftp, www and gopher sites, allows for a better-working and faster Internet.

This year, the cleaning process will take place from 12:01 a.m. GMT on Jan 1 until 12:01 a.m. GMT on Jan 2. During that 24-hour period, five very powerful Japanese built multilingual internet-crawling robots (Toshiba ML-2274) situated around the world will search the Internet and delete any data that they find.

In order to protect your valuable data from deletion its imperative that you do the following:

Disconnect all terminals and local area networks from their Internet connections.

Shut down all Internet servers, or disconnect them from the Internet.

Disconnect all disks and hardrives from any connections to the Internet.

Refrain from connecting any computer to the Internet in any way.

Avoid placing operating microwave ovens or toaster/toaster ovens near your computer modem.

Avoid wearing nylon (or other dielectric fiber) undergarments because of the possibility of electrical discharge.
We understand the inconvenience that this may cause some Internet users, and we apologize. However, we are certain that any inconvenience will be more than made up for by the increased speed and efficiency of the Internet, once it has been cleared of electronic flotsam and jetsam.

Sysops and others: Since the last Internet cleaning, the number of Internet users has grown dramatically. Please assist us in alerting the public of the upcoming Internet cleaning by posting this message where your users will be able to read it. Please pass this message on to other sysops and Internet users as well.

Thank you.