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A bit of CAD help please!!
ben salt - 11/4/09 at 01:27 PM

I've got a 3D computer model of a car, I want to cut it up into cross-sections to produce a real model of it.

The stumbling point I've got is that CAD software is an absolute black art to me, I do not understand it at all!

I've got the model in both .obj and autocad formats, and have spent hours in autocad trying to see it in cross sectional view, one slice at a time. I know ive done it before (about 3 years ago), but have no idea how!!

Any help would be much appreciated!!



bram boekestein - 11/4/09 at 04:24 PM

Do you want to do something like that T70 with wood and foam?
In Solidworks it's really easy.

If you send me the file I can save the cross-sections for you and send them to you.

grtz bram

hellbent345 - 11/4/09 at 09:08 PM

seconded, solidworks is a lot easier to do that sort of thing with get yourself a free copy from the internet and go through the online tutorials, its a good string to have on your bow (the tutorials are all you really need to get you started and carry you on really!)

Mansfield - 11/4/09 at 10:29 PM

Depending on how the model is constructed, the SLICE or the SECTION commands may help you in AutoCAD. You would have to have a solid model for this to work though.

U2U me if you need any help with the above.

ben salt - 14/4/09 at 03:20 PM

Cheers Guys
Sorry for the delay in replying, just got back from a weekend in Seattle! Saw some rather impressive engineering at the boeing factory!

I've tried the slice and section commands in autocad, doesnt work for me! The model is made up of a mesh, might this be tthe reason why?

I'm currently stuck in Luton with very limited internet access, so will have to wait to 'acquire' a copy of solidworks. Basically yes I do want to do something similar to the awesome T70 bodywork that has been produced. Been thinking and working on this for a couple of years, so its about time I got on with it! Bram, thankyou for your offer. I will have a look when I get back to my other computer but I think the file is pretty big. The .obj file is smaller, could you do it with this, if so u2u me tyour email address and i will try to send it off to you later this week if thats ok.



Fred W B - 14/4/09 at 05:00 PM

Hi guys, thanks for the kind comments re my project.

Two tips, from my experience...

Before you go set your slices/templates in stone, look at the shape from all angles, for hours. Be absolutely sure the model is what you want. If I had done this it would have saved me at least a year of work.

If you are going to print/cut templates to make the full size shape, as well as cutting the "station" slices, also cut a negative outer profile of things like the cockpit edges, wheel arches, any openings in the body skin. If I had done this it would have saved me at least another year of work.


Fred W B

[Edited on 14/4/09 by Fred W B]

ben salt - 18/4/09 at 01:43 PM

Many thanks for your tips Fred, as much advice as possible from people who have done it is always helpful! Its these retrospective ideas and realisations that hopefully will help me and others!

My 3D model was done in a similar(ish) way to yours, from a smaller scale model that I had. I know there have been negative comments about using models, but I had to start somewhere!

Instead of taking measurements and creating the 3D version (as I said, my CAD understanding is sorely lacking), I got someone to use a 3D laser scanner to produce the computer model. I have to say, considering the original model was only ~7cm long, and shiny the resulting computer version looks fantastic!

I'm currently trying to acquire (ahem) a version of Solidworks (although I should really be revising for medicine finals....), and will have a go with that when i've got time.

I've also been offered the use of a CNC router at my old school to cut out the sections (although this can only do 1mx1m sections, so the horizontal ones will have to be joined in the middle, hopefully this won't cause too many problems).

Will keep you updated...

Any other tips or advice always welcome!!

bram boekestein - 18/4/09 at 01:48 PM


Sent you a u2u regarding file.

grtz bram