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Show me your rear lights!
carlknight1982 - 5/9/10 at 10:04 AM

as above really I cant decide on some rear lamps so if people could post pics of theres on here i can see a few fitted it might help me choose


big_wasa - 5/9/10 at 10:26 AM

<--------- easy to replace and cheap

Mark G - 5/9/10 at 10:31 AM

I got mine used for not much, I think MK sell them new but I'm not sure on the price.

rayward - 5/9/10 at 11:13 AM

heres mine...............



graememk - 5/9/10 at 11:23 AM

coozer - 5/9/10 at 11:24 AM

Fog light has slipped down a bit....

eddie99 - 5/9/10 at 11:28 AM

Rear View
Rear View

jollygreengiant - 5/9/10 at 12:01 PM

Pre sva 1
Pre sva 1

StevieB - 5/9/10 at 12:09 PM

I got mine from caterham (the cheapest place I found them, by the way).

Simple design - less is more IMHO with se7ens.

Hellfire - 5/9/10 at 12:15 PM

Lights off.......

Mix n Match LED's 1
Mix n Match LED's 1

Lights on.......

Rear Dark
Rear Dark


RichardK - 5/9/10 at 01:00 PM

MakeEverything - 5/9/10 at 05:08 PM

OSR Quarter
OSR Quarter

ashg - 5/9/10 at 05:55 PM

those are corsa lights turned sideways lol you could upgrade and get some lexarse ones

ken555 - 5/9/10 at 06:42 PM

Truck lights are the way forward.
And 24V bulbs last so much longer