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ECU Location
paulbeyer - 29/5/06 at 10:11 AM

Hello People

Well, after 2 years of nothing I'm back in the garage today working on the car. I have a standard Toyota 4AGE ECU that I plan on wiring in this afternoon but where is the best location for it? I was going to fix it to the bulkhead in the engine bay but will this be too damp an environment if I'm caught out in wet weather? I also thought about fixing it up under the dash but it wont be so easy to get at if required and need to be covered for SVA. My first choice would be engine bay but thought I'd check with you guys first.

Bob C - 29/5/06 at 01:25 PM

under the passenger seat?
under dash - gets very hot
in engine bay - ooooh horrible hot noisy oily

Viper - 29/5/06 at 01:27 PM

i would put in in the passenger footwell,

sebastiaan - 29/5/06 at 05:04 PM

mine's under the dash against the scuttle on the passenger side.

Ecu, that is....

JB - 29/5/06 at 06:35 PM

Put it where it will never get damp or wet (so this rules out the floor), keep it away from the starter, HT side of the ignition and alternator and the main battery lead.

Also consider the wiring to it, this also wants to avoid the starter, alternator, ignition and battery lead.

Then it wants mounting as low and far back in the car as possible for weight distribution.


Lennart - 29/5/06 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by JB
Put it where it will never get damp or wet (so this rules out the floor), keep it away from the starter, HT side of the ignition and alternator and the main battery lead.

Also consider the wiring to it, this also wants to avoid the starter, alternator, ignition and battery lead.

Then it wants mounting as low and far back in the car as possible for weight distribution.


Just a small topic hi-jack / question, why keep it away from the starter and ignition and altenator and main battery lead?
I'm trying to find out why my ford dohc 2.0i won't start. I've got petrol feed, starter is running but no sparks from the coil. Coil is oke, so could the place of my ecu be the problem? My ecu is in a box on the scruttle top above the startermotor.