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short term insurance
Dickyboy - 7/1/16 at 04:28 PM

I have an old kit car to MOT and sell, so need cover for a month, so far am being quoted same insurance cost as for a year, anyone else faced this? if so any legal cheaper ways around it?

loggyboy - 7/1/16 at 04:31 PM

Yeah ive found specfic 'temp' insurance stupidly priced.
Only cheap way ive found is thru my main insurer (which at time was direct line) who added a 2nd car for up to 30 days for a few quid a day. My current however what the same silly rates as the temp insurers.

owelly - 7/1/16 at 07:25 PM

I've used Aviva short term to move vehicles about but they don't cover kits. A few years ago, I insured my kit for two months then reduced the cover to fire & theft (storage) so they 'suspended' the policy until I needed to put it back on the road. To be fair, fully comp is only £120 now so I just cough up.

DAN@ADRIAN FLUX - 7/1/16 at 07:52 PM

Please feel free to give us a try for short term insurance. If you wanted to PM me some contact details I'd be happy to arrange for one of my quotes team to give you a call back.

Dickyboy - 7/1/16 at 10:21 PM

Got a quote from FJ for £97 for the year, if you cancel within 14 day cooling off period then costs £16, if you cancel before 3 months you get 2/3 back less admin, about £50. Adrian Flux quoted £82 for a month!!