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Swedish Twins Motorway Madness
breezy - 11/8/10 at 09:38 AM

Did anyone see this documentary last night - I was stunned at how these two behaved - and the woman in the red - how she got hit twice and still managed to get up and run - she must be made of carbon fibre!!

BBC Traffic Cops with a Twist!!

balidey - 11/8/10 at 09:49 AM

Yep, I saw the original clip in 2008, and was aamzed to see the uncut clips last night.
Truly shocking story. With amazing footage.

breezy - 11/8/10 at 09:57 AM

I know, I couldn't believe that 24 hours after all that had happened she was released. She then went onto kill a chap and got only 5 years for it.

She's due out next year and there still debating if she's a risk to herself and others - i hope there kidding - as id say she is a big risk not only to herself but to others

sucksqueezebangblow - 11/8/10 at 10:02 AM

What was it called and what channel was it on? Might try to catch it on iPlayer or equivalent.

adithorp - 11/8/10 at 10:05 AM

Yeh, saw the original story but knew nothing of the murder. I missed the begining last night. Was there any mention of drugs? She looked like your typical smack-head in the close ups from the police station and thier behaviour on the motorway looked drug assisted.


breezy - 11/8/10 at 10:07 AM


What was it called and what channel was it on? Might try to catch it on iPlayer or equivalent.

It was on BBC 1 last night about 10pm - was called Minutes of Motorway Madness. A real eye opener - not only what our boys/girls in blue have to put up with, but also the poor motorists that through no fault of there own are put through a living hell.

pekwah1 - 11/8/10 at 10:12 AM

see, i've always said women were nuts!

Jasper - 11/8/10 at 10:24 AM

Saw it too, completely shocking, amazing that they had a full TV crew with them, and back at the Police station too.

No drugs or drink, just real madness and some sort of strange twins pact.

Interesting that the judge said it had been the toughest case he had ever tried, and his hands were tied with the sentence becuase of the psychiatrists reports - temporary madness.

If you missed it try to see it on the iPlayer if it's on there.

sucksqueezebangblow - 11/8/10 at 10:41 AM

Found it!

YQUSTA - 11/8/10 at 11:13 AM

I watched it last night and again on iplayer this morning truly shocking in fact so much so i was watching with an open mouth just sat stunned that anyone could put there body through that much abuse and not be dead.

I thought they must have taken PCP to do that but was shocked to find they had no drugs in their system.

adithorp - 11/8/10 at 12:32 PM

Looked like drugs and just seemed like a simpler explanation than the mental mumbo-jumbo... If you hear clip-clop clip-clop, look for a horse not a zebra...

I suspect there's more to the story that they can't tell because of patient confidetiality.

Can't think what he was expecting to get taking her home....
