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Outdoor Covers - Like a tent?
Mozzie - 15/9/13 at 11:32 AM

Am sure this has been covered lots of times, however, this might be a bit different.

I remember seeing years ago a company that did a cover for Minis, kit cars and other smaller size cars, where it looked like a car cover stroke tent.

Now I can't remember the company nor can I find a google image.

I don't really want to erect a tent in the driveway for the car (modern tents are more round than oblong like a car) so does anyone know of any?

(hamilton classic do massive ones so they are not what I am after)

Ok, with a bit more digging, it looked like the folding portable garage that you find on ebay (and alibaba) but not as tall.

[Edited on 15/9/13 by Mozzie]

MsD - 15/9/13 at 12:02 PM

Machine mart do a heavy duty car tent...

Mozzie - 15/9/13 at 12:18 PM

Looked at them.

The one I am looking for is cencertina/perambulator folding type.

Found a few websites now its just finding a decent price.

That type.

TheKingofBling - 16/9/13 at 09:46 AM

u2u sent mozzie, I have one of these folding portable garages which I willing to sell.

