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Can you lend me £475,000?
JAG - 3/12/14 at 02:41 PM

Pretty please????

I'll be buying Lancia Stratos if you do.

mmmmmm lovely

jeffw - 3/12/14 at 03:36 PM

Sure....4000% APR, do you want me to send the papers round?

Slimy38 - 3/12/14 at 06:32 PM

This is going to sound really bad, but after looking at the interior I think I prefer some of the replicas...

bi22le - 3/12/14 at 07:52 PM

Lancia, lotus 7, cobras and GT40s are amoungst the most popular copied cars now available in kit form. In my opinion the replica quality would far exceed the original. Like for like costs.

RS200 is an example where that is not the case.

renetom - 4/12/14 at 08:22 AM

You will need a lot more than that
to pay for the constant repair bills.
It a Lancia don't forget
Beautiful but.

snakebelly - 4/12/14 at 08:40 AM

Have to agree that having seen an original close up when (note when not if!) I win the lottery a factory built replica will be on the shopping list, please note that the garage will not contain a single prancing horse though :-)

sdh2903 - 4/12/14 at 09:00 AM

May be controversial here. But imo that is just plain fugly inside and out

And £475k

TheGiantTribble - 4/12/14 at 09:03 AM

Much as I like it, and even if I could I wouldn't pay that amount, I prefer the cars in the picture behind it.