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Supplier database
Mix - 3/4/03 at 03:46 PM

I'm now 5 months into my build and still the enjoyment far outweighs the frustration, (long may it continue!). I do spend a great deal of time however staring at this screen when I could be working on the project. A great deal of this time is spent surfing the net in search of the best price for components and raw materials, I have found that there is a vast difference in the cost of even the most mundane items. In the spirit of Locost would it not be an idea to set up a database into which members could input data regarding the details of their purchases. Over a period of time this could become a valuable time saver.

GO - 3/4/03 at 03:56 PM

Sounds like a brilliant idea to me. I'm only just starting my build am I'm already finding the same problems. It's surprising the differences in prices you can find for a bolt!

I'm recording every last penny I spend on the project - which is probably going to make me cry every time I look at it, until I realise the end result anyway!

Something that should be taken into accoutn with this is the delivery charge, a lot of the places I've found so far seem to offer free delivery over 50 quid, but about a fiver or so if below 50 quid.

Mix - 3/4/03 at 04:39 PM

The postage could be included in the database, as could the location for those of us lucky enough to be able to collect by hand.
