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I know it christmas but how does this work
mangogrooveworkshop - 25/12/08 at 11:54 PM

Waste of tax payers money

It's great here, says the mother of eight living in a £2.6m townhouse paid for by you

comments please

[Edited on 25-12-08 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Dangle_kt - 26/12/08 at 12:00 AM

not her fault.Wouldn;t you take a nice posh house if you offered it over a scumy high rise flat?

the rules are daft, but its not like she is trashing the place - seems to be making the best of it.

lucky her.

blakep82 - 26/12/08 at 12:01 AM

ha ha just posted a comment on there. keep an eye out

blakep82 - 26/12/08 at 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
not her fault.Wouldn;t you take a nice posh house if you offered it over a scumy high rise flat?

the rules are daft, but its not like she is trashing the place - seems to be making the best of it.

lucky her.

think the 8 kids might be something to do with her

wouldn't you rather keep you hard earned though? i know i would. or see it spent on hospitals, and services? not looking to start any arguement or anything, i just know where i'd rather my tax money went

[Edited on 26/12/08 by blakep82]

Daimo_45 - 26/12/08 at 12:26 AM

Piece if crap like that taking valuable money from the emergency services, education, cancer and aids research so she can have as many kids as she likes all paid for by the state. If I want an expensive super car I have to work hard and save. If you want eight kids you should have to work hard to be able to afford eight kids, after all they're more special than a super car!!!!

RK - 26/12/08 at 01:43 AM

I guess working is out of the question. I had a secretary once, that moved back to the UK a couple of years ago, got knocked up by her boyfriend, since her hubby, and immediately got a nice new apartment. Yes, you paid for it. No, neither one of them has any intention of working. Go figure.

theconrodkid - 26/12/08 at 07:51 AM

happens all the time round this end of the world,as pensioners,some who fought to defend this country and have worked and paid taxes all their lives freeze to death in mouldy slums this "government" with its open door policy puts these "imports" above those that were born here.
i do have inside knowledge of the facts that happen here before anyone starts.
anyone starting out,wanting to get married and start a family here have no chance of getting a council house,they are at the bottom of an ever growing queue.
imports get a newly decorated and fully furnished place and all their bills are paid including phone and TV licence,some are even GIVEN money to buy a car and driving lessons if they "dont feel safe on public transport"
any problems with neighbours and they are given a special number that will summon police or council officials who will tell them of their rights and help them fill in all sorts of forms to claim all available benefits.
ghetto,s are formed and if you are a turk in north london,you can carry out criminal activities like murder and drug dealing without plod intervening,round my way somali gangs are ignored as they mug and murder at will,speak up about it and you can be sure an army of hand wringers will be down on you like a ton of bricks.
i could go on but it wouldnt do my blood pressure any good.

smart51 - 26/12/08 at 08:12 AM

Stories like this can make you wonder why you worked all your life and went to university and got a good job that pays just a fraction of the £90,000 pa that this family gets in benefits.

The benefit system must be wrong. It should be structured so that you're always better off by going to work.

cjtheman - 26/12/08 at 10:06 AM

i just had a rant on there as

gottabedone - 26/12/08 at 10:19 AM

For years we have been a laughing stock for providing the International Health Service at the expense of those who have and still do work harder and harder for their money. For a few generations now "being on the social" has been an acceptable life choice based upon your "disability" or "ethnicity" or both. When interest rates etc. are low this just pi$$es you off. When the cost of living rises it just rubs salt into the wounds of those that are working harder.
This is obviously irrespective of Gordon Brown trying to put a computer and internet in every house!!! - when did this become a necessity

JoelP - 26/12/08 at 10:20 AM

its as mucha failure on the part of the CSA, she has two ex partners who should be funding the lot. Also, someone the other day was praising the 'right to buy' scheme. This is what it has led to, a lack of social housing.

I cant help but think that just a few years rent, at 95k a year, would build them a house they could stay in that would remain the property of the council for the next big family, rather than sending the money into the private sector.

johnston - 26/12/08 at 10:41 AM

See this cracks me up, because I got put on sick by doctor for two weeks and fired for the privelige. 1st time on sick in 15years of working.

Now trying to live on 60quid a week when I get it except that some prat put the wrong date for my sickline ending so I wont get anything till the 30th at the earliest.. got £40 that they owed me to do christmas whoppie bloody doo..

Maybe I should move change religon and citizenship and move back!!!!!!

Dangle_kt - 26/12/08 at 12:17 PM

ok, so its all well and good moaning about it, but what are you guys suggesting?

cos it sounds awefully like chemical castration , removing freedom of choice etc.

a dictatorship, one that the older people that some of you are refering to, fought to avoid.

It bugs me the way a load of racist nonsence comes pouring out under a very thin disguise.

yes the woman has a ton of kids, but look back at the uk two generations or even one generation ago. I personally know quite a few people who are one of 13 kids.

yes there is the odd few who fleece the system, but i dont think this woman is - she just landed on her feet.

its not the foreign nationals who make up the daft rules - its fat middle class do gooders - most of whom will be from middle england.

just a little balance to the BNP-esque comments.

blakep82 - 26/12/08 at 12:22 PM

nope, the title got me raging a sit is

"It's great here, says the mother of eight living in a £2.6m townhouse paid for by you"

got nothing to do with where she's from

PhilCross66 - 26/12/08 at 01:08 PM

It bugs me that people quickly start talking of racism and prevent any serious debate on this kind of thing. Its people that shout racism all the time that scare our councils into bending over backwards to help these people ahead of anyone else.

mark chandler - 26/12/08 at 01:12 PM

I do not suppose she expected to do so well, just fell lucky with the state in this instance.

At least the house looks immaculate as do the children, okay it galls me that I work really hard and will end up with less, what annoys me far more is the leeches that live in dirty council houses with rubbish thrown around and spend all day on there arses or down the pub.

If it was down to me I would have council houses inspected, if not maintained correctly kick them out/withold grants, this applies to private tenants !!!

Regards Mark

JoelP - 26/12/08 at 01:52 PM

at least on the plus side, her kids dont look like a lost cause. Though there is the bad example being set to them insofar as they see the state funding the family, and dont see a role model earning the family bread.

Daimo_45 - 26/12/08 at 02:38 PM

yes the woman has a ton of kids, but look back at the uk two generations or even one generation ago. I personally know quite a few people who are one of 13 kids.

I know loads of people with tons of kids, my mum came from a humongous family but they never raped the state, they grafted hard as it was their decision to have so many kids. Even if I wanted a big family I would only ever have as many kids as I could afford. Why should the state pay for them for me? You want something so precious, work hard for it and prove it. Just because there are systems in place to let you have 1 million kids and get a free house it doesn't mean you should be entitled to it/your right of passage. It shows how it's change through the generations, the pride has gone. I guess it's gotta go ultra-liberal until it can sway conservative again?

Dangle_kt - 26/12/08 at 02:51 PM

why would one post stop debate? just cos I dont agree with what has been said, doesn't mean I am stopping any debating a subject.

if your not being racist what is there to be concerned about?

I just think there is more to this story than a foreign national.

Originally posted by PhilCross66
It bugs me that people quickly start talking of racism and prevent any serious debate on this kind of thing. Its people that shout racism all the time that scare our councils into bending over backwards to help these people ahead of anyone else.

MikeRJ - 26/12/08 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt

It bugs me the way a load of racist nonsence comes pouring out under a very thin disguise.

What racists nonsense would that be? Just read back through the thread and I suspect you are reading things that aren't there.


yes the woman has a ton of kids, but look back at the uk two generations or even one generation ago. I personally know quite a few people who are one of 13 kids.

yes there is the odd few who fleece the system, but i dont think this woman is - she just landed on her feet.

If you are very happy with a chunk of your hard earned wages financing this family to live in a hugely expensive house rather that helping to fund health services, education etc. then that's fine and entirely your prerogative, but branding others as racist because they don't agree is entirely unacceptable IMO.

johnston - 26/12/08 at 04:04 PM

I think the point is rather than being raciest it is that. You can come into the country having paid NOTHING into the coffers of the govt or national insurance and then get everything handed to you. Whereas you can pay your dues and get very little..

I know of forigners who came here to work but the minute the steped inside the country wanted all the free medical stuff of the day and were disgusted when they found out they had to pay for dental work. I also know some who within months of being here were claiming tax credits for children still in poland.. by virtue of moving here they were sending more money home courtesy of HM govt than they will ever pay in.

Its not racisim I just dont like the fact people can take without ever paying in, plus the fact people from other colours creeds and religions can get things easier by virtue that the people incharge are scared of being blasted raciest and are being to PC

[Edited on 26/12/08 by johnston]

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/12/08 at 04:05 PM

We have a family across the estate who have got a five bedroom house for nowt......and they have never worked since they left school. Every street has one of these leeches.....and the racist line yep they are white. That adds up to a lot of fleecing barstewards.
The poor in this country dont have a clue what poverty really is. Should put them in Orange farm or on the streets of a Shanty town

[Edited on 26-12-08 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Dangle_kt - 26/12/08 at 05:20 PM

I'm not going to single out individuals, as they may have their reasons for wording things as they have, different generation etc. but some of the wording in peoples post is racist.
I have now said it twice, there is more to this story than the fact it involves foreign nationals, I dont see why some has clung onto this particilar part of my comments?

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by Dangle_kt

It bugs me the way a load of racist nonsence comes pouring out under a very thin disguise.

What racists nonsense would that be? Just read back through the thread and I suspect you are reading things that aren't there.


yes the woman has a ton of kids, but look back at the uk two generations or even one generation ago. I personally know quite a few people who are one of 13 kids.

yes there is the odd few who fleece the system, but i dont think this woman is - she just landed on her feet.

If you are very happy with a chunk of your hard earned wages financing this family to live in a hugely expensive house rather that helping to fund health services, education etc. then that's fine and entirely your prerogative, but branding others as racist because they don't agree is entirely unacceptable IMO.

smart51 - 26/12/08 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
ok, so its all well and good moaning about it, but what are you guys suggesting?

cos it sounds awefully like chemical castration , removing freedom of choice etc.

a dictatorship, one that the older people that some of you are refering to, fought to avoid.

It bugs me the way a load of racist nonsence comes pouring out under a very thin disguise.

No, you've got it all wrong there. She should have every freedom to do what she likes, within the law. She should exercise here freedom at her own expense.

What do I propose? Cap all benefits at 80% of the minimum wage at 37 hours per week, except for the higher level of disability benefit or for those over working age. Benefits for non-working families should be the minimum only. Once you work for a living, the state should then help you with means tested benefits if you need them.

Too many people contribute nothing to the country and have never worked and demand to be supported by those of us who do work. If life on benefits wasn't so easy or so lucrative, it wouldn't be so popular. It should be to help people between jobs, not those who want to avoid jobs.

blakep82 - 26/12/08 at 07:04 PM

not my fault that any family has decided to have more kids than they can afford, my money should be spent on my own (if i had a family, coz i know i can't afford to! i can't even afford a house on my own)

anyways, smart51 has the right idea, no one on benefits should get more money than they would at work.

LBMEFM - 26/12/08 at 07:05 PM

She hasn't got or been given a kit though has she

mad-butcher - 26/12/08 at 07:43 PM

OK I'm going to get well crucified for this.
I work 6 nights on 2 nights off delivering newspapers to shops for £6.95 an hour.
Now I'm begining to wonder if my grandfathers comment of one day enoch powell will be proved right were true, My wife comes from a big family 6 kids he worked as a docker in the once great port of liverpool, 2 bedroomed terraced house out side toilet 3 in a bed. (wife reckons they were great days fighting over over the quilt with sleeves) never had anything off the state, there again there was no state in them days.. you pawned your suit and wedding ring on monday and got them out friday when you got paid


[Edited on 26/12/08 by mad-butcher]

PaulBuz - 26/12/08 at 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Daimo_45
yes the woman has a ton of kids, but look back at the uk two generations or even one generation ago. I personally know quite a few people who are one of 13 kids.

I know loads of people with tons of kids, my mum came from a humongous family but they never raped the state, they grafted hard as it was their decision to have so many kids. Even if I wanted a big family I would only ever have as many kids as I could afford. Why should the state pay for them for me? You want something so precious, work hard for it and prove it. Just because there are systems in place to let you have 1 million kids and get a free house it doesn't mean you should be entitled to it/your right of passage. It shows how it's change through the generations, the pride has gone. I guess it's gotta go ultra-liberal until it can sway conservative again?

Took the words right out of my mouth.