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Wedding car recommendations?
McLannahan - 15/4/09 at 07:27 PM

I'm getting married in August and she'd like a car to take her to the wedding venue and then us to the reception.

I hope to arrive in KC to the reception myself (driven/thrashed by Steve ) but we need a more civilised ride for the new wife and myself to the reception.

Has anyone any ideas? Our budget is already stretched and we can't really afford much.

Thanks all


Andybarbet - 15/4/09 at 07:38 PM

We are going to be using the 32 year old sick brown Mini that i got for my partner for her 26th birthday last year -
CLASSIC ! and slightly disgusting

Anyone you know with a Range Rover or Merc that could drive you ?? that would probably be quite civilised.

There might be someone local that has a nice classic car or classy type of car that would do the honours for a small fee/drinky ??

jambojeef - 15/4/09 at 07:54 PM

a good friend used an utterly (outwardly) mint citroen DS which I thought was pretty cool - having said that we did wave the happy couple off in a cloud of blue smoke...

tomblyth - 15/4/09 at 08:09 PM

look on here and ask if there is anyone in your area!



[Edited on 15/4/09 by tomblyth]

BenB - 15/4/09 at 08:22 PM

Not sure re the wedding car but I'd certainly recommend turning up in the KC. I did to mine and it was amazing. Loved the drive up there, parked it outside the venue, got some photos of me and the missus next to my car, drove it home in the pissing rain and almost crashed....

.... okay the last bit wasn't so cool but the rest was brilliant. So glad I involved the KC in the wedding!!

McLannahan - 15/4/09 at 08:26 PM

Thanks all - much appreciated. I do like the Beauford idea, will give the local one a bell tomorrow and see if they offer fellow KC rates or wedding rates!

Really winds me up how a "wedding tax" is slapped onto anything remotely wedding related!

I'm looking forward to taking KC Ben, it'll be the most important thing in the photos!

The Great Fandango - 15/4/09 at 08:36 PM

SWMBO and I attended 5 weddings last year... 4 of them used the SAME Beauford!


I must confess, not my cup of tea but a beautiful car nevertheless. From recollection the service was competitively priced and well worth the money.

JoelP - 15/4/09 at 09:16 PM

i was lucky enough to have a friend lend me a nice range rover, more amazingly he let me drive it without fully comp insurance . We also got a banger of some sort (i forget what...) for the bridesmaids.

Scoobythedog - 15/4/09 at 09:35 PM

As an alternative to beaufords, have a look at Regents, there's far more room in them and most have leather interiors.

I built this one a few years ago, its in Scotland these days, but you will find a few around.

aerosam - 15/4/09 at 10:01 PM

We got married 2 years ago and hired a Beauford convertable from a friend.

It got her to the church (20 mins late - mostly her fault) got us to the reception, droped us outside the door, and promptly conked out. I had to be told several times to stay well away and not go and fix it, I was wearing an Ivory suit after all.

I on the other hand turned up in my Ford Capri, loud and fast. My best man drove it to the reception venue, bumped the underside on a speed bump, and accidentaly knocked the headlights on when he got out. Get in to drive home the next day - flat battery!!

Nothing ruined the day though.

Have a great day chum!

damajin - 16/4/09 at 10:14 AM

First of all, congratulations mate, I'm getting married on 4th July this year (losing my independence on independence day) and have been going through the same traumas about the old wedding tax.

My Mrs is arriving at the church, and we will both be leaving for the reception, in one of these. Company seems really great, very helpful and not too expensive (depends on your budget). I will be driving to the wedding in the Locost which my best man will be driving to the reception for me so me and the Mrs can leave in it together in the next day (we're staying at the reception venue overnight).

Hope you're big day goes well.

McLannahan - 16/4/09 at 07:40 PM

Thanks again all for your replies and thank you too Aerosam and Damajin for your good wishes!

Will make a few phone calls tomorrow and see what I can dig up.

Please to see I'm not the only one with the drive KC to church idea!