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Il bet you've never done this!
speedyxjs - 16/4/09 at 04:56 PM

Its been one of those days.
I didnt realize how fast the oil would rush out and it filled up the 6 litre pan i had and went everywhere.
Also after driving it, i realised the exhaust i made isnt getting any quieter so im going to have to fork out for new (hopefully used) silencers which means the £15 i spent yesterday on exhaust wrap to try and deaden the sound was a waste of money (although i might wrap the headers as i have heard you can gain a few horses), and to top it off, i managed to change the oil and plugs but couldnt get to the oil filter as its not accessible from the top and the front wheel is stuck on the hub (hence no wheel nuts in pic).
I think an Aaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh is in order!

cd.thomson - 16/4/09 at 05:24 PM

dont worry, i have, when i first got into cars it was a pipe dream and i just wanted to get stuck in. Bought myself a fixeruper capri and decided to drop the oil on day one. Walked out with possibly the smallest bucket ever manufactured..500ml capacity maybe.. and pulled the plug hahaha.

Thats when I decided it was better to read up, read up some more, then read everything over before you attempt to do anything youve not done before!!

BenB - 16/4/09 at 05:33 PM

No but last time I did the tintop I drained the oil without spilling a drop and then as I left the garage accidentally kicked over the drainage container. Unfortunately I hadn't screwed the lid on What a mess!!!!!

speedyxjs - 16/4/09 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by BenB
No but last time I did the tintop I drained the oil without spilling a drop and then as I left the garage accidentally kicked over the drainage container. Unfortunately I hadn't screwed the lid on What a mess!!!!!

Sorry but that has made me feel a bit better

owelly - 16/4/09 at 05:57 PM

I dropped the engine and gearbox oil into one big tray. The tray is way big enough so was barely half full. But as I stepped over the car ramps after I'd finished, I stood on the edge of the tray and tipped it all over my trainers, troosers, legs, drive, new brake pads waiting to be fitted. And gearbox oil stinks. I had to throw the trainers out. Great.

mistergrumpy - 16/4/09 at 05:57 PM

I changed the oil on my Dads car once when I lived at home. I had one of them tub/bottle things that you lay on its side and drain the oil into then bung the hole and everythings nice and tidy. The oil came out of the car way too fast and just went everywhere. I evantually finished up and it was getting dark and starting to rain (as ever!) I jumped into said car to move it down the drive. My foot slipped off the brake as I was going down the inclined drive and I ploughed right into the back of my own car that was in front It didn't end there. I then pushed on and battered through the garage door too
Another time, I was changing the fuel sender on an ex's Nova because it wasn't working. She said that she'd ran it for ages and it should be virtually empty (must've forgot filling it up that week then! ) I jacked the car up at the back and got under and I twisted the sender and a little fuel dribbled, I got the bucket ready then whacked the sender. Queue a full tank of petrol missing the bucket and drenching me and scrabbling to roll out but I was upside down on the drive and struggled. It was dark and raining too (!) and I had to pick her up in 15 minutes. I had to scrub the drive as the postman always smoked a pipe in the morning and I stunk to high heaven for about a week
Moral of the story: Things are not always as bad as they seem.....they can always get worse!

mark chandler - 16/4/09 at 06:35 PM

Well I managed better than that, drained the oil successfully, swapped the filter and refilled..... forgot to stick in the bung so fresh clean oil on the ground

owelly - 16/4/09 at 06:43 PM

I've posted this before but it may give you lot a giggle.
I started to fit a new clutch to my Mini one night as I needed the car the next morning. It was a right PITA as the clutch centre bolt wouldn't shift and then the clutch hub didn't want to get off the taper on the end of the crank. I finally got it all back together at stupid o'clock in the morning just as it was getting light. I jumped in the car to reverse it out of the shed and noticed the shiney new clutch components in the passenger footwell........

speedyxjs - 16/4/09 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by owelly
I've posted this before but it may give you lot a giggle.
I started to fit a new clutch to my Mini one night as I needed the car the next morning. It was a right PITA as the clutch centre bolt wouldn't shift and then the clutch hub didn't want to get off the taper on the end of the crank. I finally got it all back together at stupid o'clock in the morning just as it was getting light. I jumped in the car to reverse it out of the shed and noticed the shiney new clutch components in the passenger footwell........

Mansfield - 16/4/09 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by owelly
I've posted this before but it may give you lot a giggle.
I started to fit a new clutch to my Mini one night as I needed the car the next morning. It was a right PITA as the clutch centre bolt wouldn't shift and then the clutch hub didn't want to get off the taper on the end of the crank. I finally got it all back together at stupid o'clock in the morning just as it was getting light. I jumped in the car to reverse it out of the shed and noticed the shiney new clutch components in the passenger footwell........

Done the same with a Cavalier cambelt.

It was raining hard all the way through the job and I was soaked through.

It only dawned on me when I was clearing up that the 'old' cambelt looked in really good nick to say it had been on for years. It still had all the white writing on it........

rusty nuts - 16/4/09 at 07:53 PM

After 42 years in the motor trade?? But I have never fitted a sump plug and not tightened it

James - 17/4/09 at 12:55 AM

Did both mine and my girlfriends oil change into the one bucket (so approx 8litres of oil).

Then forgot to remove the bucket when reversing car down the ramps.

Queue 8 litres of oil over Dad's drive. Took a lot of rags to get that lot up I can tell you!


40inches - 17/4/09 at 11:32 AM

Changed oil on wifes car in garage, drained it into an old washing up bowl,drove car out of garage, went in house through front door, out back door into garage side door, stepped into bowl.